we started the class talking about where the wild things are. now as we wind down the semester, i see an article on the rolling stone website
on the movie of the book. neat pic of a monster, but i'm still not sure this film needed to be done.
it's been a fun class, and i hope to see some of you in the YA class in the spring ^_^
Comments 1
Speaking of starting, I started this class with Where the Wild Things Are because, in many ways, I consider it a perfect (?) example of the picturebook form. I'm not convinced that a perfect example of one format can easily translate into another...but I am curious about what's going to happen with this one. (Just as I'm curious of what the audibook version of Hugo Cabret is like, and how the movie of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is going to handle the scene on the lightning-struck tower...)
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