Title: The Ties that Bind, Chapter 7/8
Pairings: Eventual Kirk/Spock (with some background Sulu/Chekov UST), but prior to that, bridge crew/OMCs
Rating: NC-17
Length: Near 8k
awarrington ♥
Warnings: Sickness, angst, cliffhangertastic
Summary: The Enterprise crew makes contact with a planet where an all-male society thinks they're sexual catnip, and
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Comments 8
Something tells me I'm going to be a lot more considerate of Rand's needs in the future.
Much needed comical relief. *giggle* And what a cliff hanger again! *wibbles*
I ached all the way through at Jim's condition and his sad acceptance of his imminent demise. And while I've wanted to hit Sextus for some while now, I found that feeling transferred to Sneck by the end.
It was so sweet of Jim to go and say goodbye to Sextus, even though he'd been a complete bastard to him.
And Spock. Yay, came to rescue him. And Bones and his grumping.
But Jim, oh Jim!
Please tell me the final part isn't too far away! Pretty please!
Thank you for yet another wonderful update. ♥
(Yes, I am now leaving you monosyllabic responses. It's all your fault for ending it there. ;o))
poor Jim so confuse in his illness that he though he debts Sextus with a goodbye and well wishes!
I hope Spock recognize that maybe he loves Jim little too, because poor Jim was in agony without him
i love this chapter but i'm so crying!!
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