Trek is 45 today. It's influenced me in ways I can't measure. So many of my earliest memories are Trek related - first halloween costumes, first sci-fi books, first movie theater marathon (Dad's a huge Trek fan). It's given me some of my nicest, sweetest friends. It's had me in tears too many times to count (Needs of the many! Noooo! *wail*)
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Comments 5
What a phenomenon? And I *love* that it's still going strong and the army of fans is being added to every day.
I honestly cannot imagine what my life would be like if I'd never got into Trek fandom. The friends I've made, and am continuing to make (*waves*), are a *huge* part of my life: in the last two weeks alone, I've had you stay here, met up with a bunch of crazy trek fans in London, had a friend visit from California who I met through Trek fandom 20 years ago (who I visited for a week earlier this year) and had a 3.5 hour Skype session earlier this week with another Californian friend I've also known for 20 years (who stayed with me for 3 weeks in July, after I've spent a total of 6 weeks, over two visits with her, just this year alone). And then there's all the fabulously wonderful people I met at KiScon in June - and organising that was a huge event for me and it's looking very much like rhaegal and I are on for doing a UK con next June. So yeah, Trek ( ... )
This show has influenced a lot of people; I still get a little boggled by the enormity it.
Spock was my first crush. First movie I really cried at. (Spock what are you doing?!) My Mom had to turn it off and talk me off the ledge (I was 5). And it was the first movie that gave me hope I could swim with a whale.
Now that I look at it the common theme seems to be Spock... *shrugs*
But really, I met some of my most cherished friends through Trek and our love of double ridged peens.
happy birfday to Trek! saved my life and what's left of my sanity more'n once over all the years.
(spell check where are you when I need you?)
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