Title: The Ties that Bind, Chapter 9/10
Pairings: Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Length: 8k
awarrington ♥ and all my other awesome feedbackers
Warnings: None
Summary: The Enterprise crew makes contact with a planet where an all-male society thinks they're sexual catnip, and decides to keep and marry them all against their will
A/N: I've also posted
Part 8
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Comments 11
Poor Pavel. Here's to hoping he gets some.
sending my asshole into a frantic clench as his tongue licks around my top lip and I imagine how those harsher papillae would feel if it ever decided to make a trip butt-wards.
Best. Vague allusion to rimming. Ever.
And then we get a whole 'nother part! Yay!
I loved it !
Poor Chekov :(
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