Title: Homecoming II, part 3 Length: 7.5k Everything else (warnings, ratings etc) same as part 1. ♥ to awarrington for the rescue mission and for general loveliness.
Hell, it was so great, you gave them so much love, and i'm feeling now just as if i was there with them oh so different them and all the time and they are an amasing company, and this final speech - i criiiied. and i'm so happy now that they could what? - find their way home? No - that they are together again, that i... just happy.happy.happy.happy and Thank you very much for the dilogy, it is worth anything))
Oh, my gosh - that was just terrific. I mean! So funny, and achey, and Spock is so fierce and tightly bound, and Jim is so loose and out there. And I loved the kids (he called himself a celebration!!) and Bones' attacking bear beard...this was just a great thing to read. Thanks so much for writing! ♥
Mil gracias! Like everyone else, I'm so *thrilled* you decided to revisit this story! I fell in love with the first part, rereading it several times. I swear my heart skipped a beat when I saw your post about the sequel on the ks comm,lol. Made my day! What a lovely family Kirk, Spock, Lejiba and Gray make and your writing captures their struggles and triumphs. I want a Gray of my own. That kid is a hoot.
Comments 13
and i'm so happy now that they could what? - find their way home? No - that they are together again, that i... just happy.happy.happy.happy and Thank you very much for the dilogy, it is worth anything))
Thank you so much for sharing.
Do write more. :o)
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