Title: Widdershins, part 6
Pairing: Esca Mac Cunoval/Marcus Aquila
Rating: NC-17
Length: 4.5k
Warnings: This is set in the 50s, so the language is un-PC
Summary: The Eagle AU - Esca's a house master and history teacher at a 1950s boys school on the English/Scottish border, where welcoming the new Latin teacher proves to be a challenge
A/N: For
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Comments 26
This is the good stuff!!!
And poor Marcus, putting the best food on for Esca, who in pre-ELizabeth David (or v early ED) days Britain (especially Scotland, heavens!) cannot have conceived of the flavours he was being exposed to!
I do think you were a bit mean not to give him any sugar though - it's not unexpected for grownups to put sugar in their coffee, Marcus is being extra purist there!!
Still utterly engrossing btw. In cas it wasn't obvious from my comments...
I adored Esca's Defence of British Food, it brought tears of pride (and hunger) to my eyes. But the ending, after the happy, sensual evening, that just brought tears of sympathy.
Thank you!
So much delicious tension, and then the sheer romance of that kiss. And then poor, poor Esca. *sniffles*
This continues to be gripping and amazing bb. Love, love, love.
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