Fic: Let The Light In (The Eagle, AU), Chapter 3

Dec 02, 2013 21:29

Title: Let The Light In, Chapter 3
Pairing: Esca/Marcus
Rating: NC-17
Length: 5k
Summary: Esca's an acrobat, and he has an idea when he meets someone who used to dance in the show

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esca/marcus, fic

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Comments 11

awarrington December 2 2013, 22:30:13 UTC
Aaaargh! That went from steaming hot (like, I need to lie down in a darkened room, hot)!

You are the undisputed queen of cliffhangers, damn you!

Even so, I loved it! :p


beederiffic December 2 2013, 22:38:15 UTC
It's because I'm taking a lot of short cuts to get the story written in the time I have while it's itching to get out (I'll have to rewrite it if it turns out good, as it's reading like cliff notes atm), and also because I'm trying to stick to about 5k per chapter. It's not entirely on purpose. I wasn't planning to end at this point, but I'll admit to a hehehehehee when it did.

Anyway, you know what I'm like, and how it's likely to end ;) xx


awarrington December 2 2013, 22:42:35 UTC
You know, as I read that final line, I did picture you with an evilly gleeful expression as you hit 'post', so apparently I wasn't far off. ;)

If you're trying to write this in record time, you'll get no argument from me. I'm loving every word and am looking forward to the next instalment, when you're ready.

So, do carry on. :)


beederiffic December 2 2013, 22:53:11 UTC
Not exactly record time, but the entire thing's fresh in my head and I'm scared it'll disappear before I've gotten around to typing it. So I'm not sure I'm doing/going to do it justice, but figure it's better to have something on the page than yet another WIP that never gets finished because I'm second guessing every sentence. We're powering through!

Trying to update every Monday, apologies in advance if that doesn't happen. Stupid life, interfering with my porn.

And I shall continue, now I have your permission <3


avictoriangirl December 2 2013, 23:25:59 UTC
Oh noooooo. Another cliff hanger of DOOM!


busarewski December 3 2013, 03:55:41 UTC
Love this! Excellent cliffhanger


pouxin December 11 2013, 04:36:22 UTC


wanderlust48 December 26 2013, 12:51:37 UTC
Oh... Poor Esca!! Can't wait to see how this goes! *chinhands*

Btw, apologies, I might have accidentally poked the wrong buttons on LJ to try to track this, and did something with the friending instead, I should have sorted that out now!


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