Title: Let's Go Back To The Start (1/1) Pairing: Finn/Rachel Rating: R Word Count: 3,609 Summary: She'd known this guy for a total of five seconds, and maybe it was the martini speaking, but she didn't want to say no. AU.
Rawr. I loved it. So much. I really love all kinds of AU Finchel stuff and this was amazing. I particularly like that Finn is with NYPD, because I can totally see that happening. You should totally add more to this, Brooke! I needs more. <3
Wow! Fantastic smut! Love Cop!Finn, really great story, would love more in this vein, or just more Finn/Rachel fics after the finale, all of your stuff is so awesome, really brightens my day :)
I'm contemplating continuing it! I have another fic I am working on at the moment, and that's kind of my number one priority right now. But thank you so much for the compliment!
Hot. So hot. I love the idea of them having a 'one night stand'. You know they're attached at the hip as soon as they wake up. And I don't even mean that in a dirty way, really.
I'd leave a better, more well-rounded review, but my heart is basically a mile wide after last night and I can't think right. Loved this, though!
Comments 13
Rawr. I loved it. So much. I really love all kinds of AU Finchel stuff and this was amazing. I particularly like that Finn is with NYPD, because I can totally see that happening. You should totally add more to this, Brooke! I needs more. <3
I'm thinking about it, actually!
You're amaze. Ily.
I'd leave a better, more well-rounded review, but my heart is basically a mile wide after last night and I can't think right. Loved this, though!
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