my writing is extremely shitty, thank you.
ex fic lj [u-kiss]
9 ways to be beautifulot9, pg-13
in his dreamssoohyun/kiseop, pg-13
i feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skinaj/kiseop, pg-13
2 drabbles: where everything's meant to be broken, i just want you to know who i am
aj/kiseop, g
we can go where you want, say the word and i'll take ya
soohyun/kiseop. pg
withersungyeol-centric, pg-13
perceptionkyungsoo-centric, kai/kyungsoo, pg-13
the science to killing yourselfkai/kyungsoo, pg-13
little one lie with me, sew your heart to my sleevekai/kyungsoo, pg-13
you're strumming on my heartstrings like you were a grade 8 suho/kai/baekhyun, nc-17