T minus 2 days.

May 03, 2004 22:58

I am ashamed to admit this, but I must.. I saw NEW YORK MINUTE tonight. I know-- it's terrible. To give these 17-yr-old billionaires even MORE money. But I did NOT pay for this. Jordan's parents somehow got a bunch of free passes to a Sneak Preview tonight. So Jordan, Virginia, Jeff, and I went! It was entertaining, I suppose. Watch out for ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

megan_vs_earth May 3 2004, 22:22:50 UTC
dude, you're birfday is totally on the day of The OC season finale. wow.


beegee233 May 4 2004, 20:14:26 UTC
I knooooow- 18, can buy lottery tickets, AND THE OC-- best birthday ever.


(The comment has been removed)

beegee233 May 4 2004, 20:17:48 UTC
Aw, thanks, Kristy; you're so sweet! PS- obviously I am THE biggest FRIENDS fanatic EVERRRR-- we'll talk tomorrow, fo sho (hey, isn't that my birthday?).


actor_chick May 4 2004, 16:44:51 UTC
You are almost 18 years old. Time to party! You totally rock my world miss Becca....or should i make that, Miss 18 year old Becca! WOOT!


B-Day jemappelledrew May 4 2004, 18:19:32 UTC
Your B-Day is in less than 4 hours!!! SO happy birthday


Re: B-Day beegee233 May 4 2004, 20:15:07 UTC
Whoooaa-- you got one of these thingies?!

Thanks again for the flowers! They are beauuutiful.


BeCcA bAbY!!! anonymous May 7 2004, 21:47:24 UTC
ReBeHa!! (aka becca, my love) guess who! your dance partner for life! (and you know you can work it you slutty brass monkey... yeah 18 year old!! omg! This means that you totally can be a stripper now!!<--being LEGAL and all!)soo i finnaly found your page (duhh sandra bullock, how could i be so oblivious?):)

So, i just wanted to let you know you are wonderful! I LOVE YOU!
~your secret admirer!~


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