Three posts in one day - I’m so sorry! D: I’ll shut up for several days now, I promise.
DARLING, YOU’RE BACK. That said, what the hell happened since Iron Man 1? Way to change genre there, movie!
Okay, but, first off, I’ll start a very incoherent and flaily list of things I liked, in no particular order:
- TONY’S ARC REACTOR - baby, you’re back, how I’ve missed you ♥
- RDJ Tony’s chest - oh, oh, ooooh, you’ve been working out, haven’t you? Gorgeous
- J.A.R.V.I.S. ♯
- The new not!Arc reactor design they ripped off from the Extremis Arc
- Justin Hammer - he was so camp in the very best way; I wanted to smother him while at the same time I couldn’t stop smiling
- THE ABSURDITIES - car alarms going off, Tony and Rhodey bickering mid-fight, the strawberries, etc.
- Tony’s so broken and high-strung and he’s such a cute self-destructive little puppy ♥
- NICK MF FURY. Why hello, Mama Bear. Keep up the awesome!
- Tony only sharing his I’m-kind-of-slowly-dying secret with his A.I.
- THE MUSIC. AC/DC, QUEEN, THE FUCKING CLASH. THE. CLASH. I wanna marry this soundtrack. Seriously.
That is just on the top off my head - I’m probably going to come up with more later on, when I’ve had time to process this. As for more “Meh” things:
- Whiplash - Whiplash but no Sentinent Armour? Waaah. D:<
- Why not more absurdities? While I love watching Tony squirm, this film was a lot darker than IM1.
- … Something more, but I forgot. Oh, right, I was a bit “Bwhut?”about the Tony/Pepper thing in the end. That’s… not going to work out. Sorry.
Overall: Good film. Not as good as Sherlock Holmes, not as good as Iron Man, but not bad. And it has TONY STARK in it, so I don’t really care. Yes, I’m a shameless fangirl.
Now I want to read Tony&Rhodey gen, Tony/J.A.R.V.I.S., and Pepper/Natalie as friends-with-benefits fics. GIMME.
I probably shouldn’t write LJ entries rapidly without proofreading first, but I AM EXCITED.