BB reclist #1

Jun 22, 2012 15:03

For this year's recommendations from the spn_j2_bigbang, I'm focusing on artwork, since that's always horribly underappreciated. Even though it really takes a lot less time to take a look at designs than to read a fic and -for me at least- it doesn't require a favorite pairing to appreciate. For fans of J2, this reclist also includes 1 fic I loved;)

Here is a selection of my favorite artwork so far...

BB 2012 reclist numero uno
I used the titles of the stories to link to the artwork. (Organized in totally random order (maybe chronologically? I have no defined system for this;)

Handdrawn digital art for Road, You Gotta Take Me Home: artist mandraco - Seemingly simple line work, but what a cool style! I'm super impressed with the likeness Mandraco created, especially for Castiel and Balthazar. Truely amazing:) Also: driving Impala icon FTW \o/

Manip and digital designs for Like A Fish Out Of Water: artist lightthesparks - This is marvelous! So bright and sunny, clearly a contrast with the darkness of Supernatural and so fitting with the 'fish out of water feel' Dean must be experiencing in the story. Love the facial expressions on the main banner :-D The chapterheaders are especially sparkling (in a good way;)

Digital tablet paintings for Where the Wild Roses Grow: artist seleneheart - Impressive paintings, although my favorite bit are the font and details in the cover. Especially recommended for the sharing of sketches and explanations of the design process (and possibly Dean's pecs;).]

Trailer and digital designs for Fear Death by Water: artist eyestoowide - Eeep. That trailer is so very disturbing; eeeeeeeeexcellent! The chapterheaders and banner definitely give the same haunting vibe. I love the colour filter and cropped images Eyestoowide used; it's a really cool set all together:)

Drawing with pencil and markers for First Taught The Chosen Seed: artist machidieles - I never mastered the art of working with markers, all the efforts of my 'visualisation' teacher were in vain, so I'm always impressed when people have control over them. Zooming in on the image shows all the shading Machidieles did and look at those beautiful faces! Love how part of it was used for the banner.

Handdrawn digital paintings for Putting the Fün Back in Dysfünctional: artist annartism - Very fun art, I love the quirky drawingstyle with the strong bold lines:)

Pencil sketches for The Iron Tongue of Midnight: artist sarahtoga - The digitally designed banner is different from anything else I've seen in this fandom, but this set is mostly recommended because of the lovely drawings, most may be 'just' rough sketches, but they made me chinhand;)

Handdrawn paintings for We Could Plant A House: artist maileme - Go give this artist some love, because this is really beautiful artwork and probably underappreciated because of the rare pairing(?). I love the soft colours and the wings just make me sigh with joy. (Check out Cas on a motorbike!). Do I need to warn for nudity? Fine: nsfw because of painting of naked woman.

Story: Living Together 101 by strangeallure
Artist: yuan_fen
Genre: RPS // Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17 // Word count: ~ 27,000
Summary: If Jared wants to keep his New York apartment, he needs to find a roommate. If he wants to get tenured, he needs to publish more. Jensen, who's also teaching at Columbia, seems like a perfect fit: easy-going and responsible, but also quiet and unassuming. When they become friends, it's a bonus. When they pretend to be a couple, it seems like a great idea - until it all falls apart.
beelikej's review: Grabbed the pdf and will treasure it forever; what a beautiful story. I'm such a sucker for curtain fic and people being comfortable together; I loved the long build up. These Jensen and Jared feel quite real in this universe and are both awkward and wonderful. :)
If you don't want spoilers, first read the story, but definitely check out the art afterwards: delightful digital drawings by yuan_fen - I love the soft colours and all the scenes are just perfect. I squeed over the chapterheaders; every image is beautiful! Glorious artwork.

Note: I often have to guess the medium the artists use, I wish more would offer a bit of an inside look at their process. As you may know I've tried all kinds of materials (most recently clay *g*) and I'm always curious to find out how things are made;) Feel free to correct me on anything I mentioned above and if you have any recs of art or fic, please comment with a link!

- J.

bigbang, artrec, ficrec

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