London photos will be posted this weekend; before my little trip I had already made a draft of this springfling presentation-post, so that's what you're getting first:) In between all the lovely reactions, I've noticed an absence of familiar faces in the responses to my two latest artprojects, so I hope everyone is okay (and simply too busy with life or their own fanwork projects to keep track;). I plan to catch up on replying and commenting soon. Don't hesitate to poke me if I've missed something!
So. SPN Springfling. Not my first time participating in an exchange challenge, but for the Secret Santa 2012 I at least knew for whom I was making something and I could present the gift myself. To work completely anonymously in both directions and not being allowed to add an explanation before unwrapping totally did my head in.
I won't bore you with my insecurities, I put all of them down in the
Thanks & Thoughts section. *grins* Instead, let me show you what I made and what happened behind the scenes;)
Title: A Close Shave
spnspringflingPrompt: "Staring down the barrel of your gun, I still want to fuck you"
Pairing: JDM/Jensen
Rating: R (naked butt:)
Medium: pencil, paint, Photoshop
Warnings: partial nudity, bit of blood (oops)
Summary: Jensen shaving Jeff
Notes: For anon;)
Teaser [Beware of nudity!]
The Piece
Okay, a couple of thinky thoughts beforehand anyway. (Now that I CAN explain myself, by golly, I WILL) My muse wouldn't let me create a literal visual of the prompt, but pushed me into the direction of a more subtle interpretation... Jeff is allowing Jensen to be in charge, even if that little fucker is pushing it, pressing the razor blade to his neck. ("No matter what you do" all of sudden became a bit threatening...) Aaaaanyway, here they are:
Original springflingpost*
The Process
To keep within the "short and sweet" spirit of the challenge I forced myself to think fast in between workdays and then go for a swift execution on my day off. Initial ideas had to be dropped because of time contraints and my own artistic limitations, but once I imagined the shaving scene I knew where I wanted to go. (More on how I got the idea in the
Sources & Inspiration section;)
Besides a set time, I also restriced my colour options and the amount of media to work with. Because I intended to work fast I didn't take as many photos in between arting neither. Just enough to share a step by step of my fiddling:)
First sketch and tattoo practice (Wish I had known about Jeff's new gun tattoo at the time; that would have been a lovely reference to the prompt right there! Did anyone manage to take photos of it yet?)
Final cleaned up pencil sketch; I did some digital touch ups later (Amongst other things there's something weird going on with Jeff's shoulder in the mirror and lets not even look at Jensen's foot)
"'n Kloddertje roze hiiiiiieeeeer, 'n kloddertje roze daaaaaaaar
- Sorry, Dutch joke. Messing with paint for a background.
New photo to capture the perfect pink and experimenting with a second layer. Testing the effect of brushstrokes in different directions and shades.
My workspace, with a peek at my latest paperart! Putting a pink layout on top of the image. Playing with paint patterns was supposed to be merely a try out before actually painting over the pencil sketch, which I would then refine in marker, but with such limited time I started to worry about messing up the sketch and not being able to start over...
The final paint composition test made the underlying sketch all moist (ehw) and I was glad I had remembered to take photos before I started messing with watercolours. I had to let go of my plan of making a marker version and ended up combining everything digitally.
I did a lot of experimenting with filters to get the traditional look I had intended. These are the left over layers that were combined to make the final image. I added shaving cream digitally and also a tiny drop of blood.
Since I had become quite fond of the pencil look, I decided to keep it like that.
A step by step of mixing the layers:)
The end. (or is it... I'm tempted to rework this, taking a lot more time. Suggestions are welcome! Y'all already know I appreciate all kinds of comments, right? PM me if you don't want to scold me in public;)
Sources & Inspiration
[Beware of links to possible nsfw artworks]
The shaving scene came to me thanks to a poster from Sissy-Boy that's been on the wall of my toilet in every home since university. (Well, that's where I get my best ideas :-p)
I found a near perfect reference for my Jeff/Jensen version in the Couples series by photographer
Victoria Napolitano (And by 'near perfect' I mean it wasn't two men;)
For the style and colours I was inspired by
this beautiful untitled painting by
ssharc@Deviantart I need a lot more practice before I get even close to that level of awesomeness *hearteyes*
Thanks & thoughts
First I'd like to thank
ashtraythief for the pairings and prompts she provided: I knew I liked you even if I didn't know it was you when I received my assignment;) Praise to the mods of
spnspringfling for making a great match:)
I also want to give a shout out to
sillie82 who was there when I needed to unload my issues.
(this is the part where you scroll down to avoid my whining;)
From the moment I handed my piece over to the mods, doubts set in and they only grew while I had to wait for them to post and then for the receiver to respond. Not being in control of any part of this process was torture.
I had to keep reminding myself that the fiddling had been lots of fun and that I had succeeded in challenging myself with new techniques and time limitations (and that at least I thought Jeff and Jensen looked rather delish together;)
I thought the double entendre title would be an extra hint to the implied exchange of power (and pain), but seeing the responses while it was posted anonymously I wonder if A Close Shave is perhaps not a universal expression of a narrow escape. Or if I messed up in my own translation. Hmmm.
As I said: for me this was mostly a technical and time challenge. I'm not completely satisfied with the result; my drawing is so very wonky. I do think it's the best I could do given my own limitations and the boundaries of the challenge. I am pleased that I managed to express my idea of Jensen messing with Jeff.
My stresslevel during this anonymous giftfest was massively high though and I now desperately wish I could have done more. Especially after finding out I had worked with a prompt from the fabulous
ashtraythief I felt my art may have been too experimental a gift.
The process was absolutely fun but the aftermath was not worth it for me so this was first and last time I participated. I really loved the fast turn around but not being able to babble about my creation is a restriction I can't handle;)
For something completely different take a look at my previous artpost:
animated paperworks! (featuring Jensen, Jared and... Danneel:)
Oh, oh, oh, *bounces* one last thing: if you like Jeff/Jensen as much as I do, you have to check out the gift I received for springfling:
Moments by
alycat. So. good. Go read it. PG-13! Wahey!