Title: Peaches & Lace
Medium: Photoshop (and a tiiiiiiiiiiny bit of paper)
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Genre: SPN erotica
ART Rating: R
Warning/Enticements: Penis in lacy lingerie
A/N: Made for
smpc and inspired by all that talk on Twitter about peaches;)
Well, once again my muse took me in different direction than where I had planned to go. Let's consider this another step towards an actual collage, heh, I still make things too neat. At the end of fiddling with all the elements, I only had two bits of paper left and I just had to leave those in there because it amused me. (I'll put a snapshot of my first paper set up in
my instagram so you can see what I started with;)
This may not make sense to anyone, but without further ado, I present:
Want more? Check out my
Art Masterlist (just browse the ratings for the naughty pieces;)
Crossposted from
https://beelikej.dreamwidth.org/523075.html [
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