Artpost: ReverseBang 2018-2!

Nov 30, 2018 22:26

As has become tradition when doing a second piece of artwork for the spn_reversebang, I chose to play with J2 (my first always involves JDM *grins*). I came into this fandom through fics that feature the whole old CW gang and for old time's sake, I wanted to create a prompt that had all of those guys in it. Then I came across a photoshoot about people on the beach and one of the pictures gave me the idea for surfer dudes. The merman didn't pop into my head until I started sketching. (More about that in the making off).
My author took my prompt back to Jared and Jensen's childhood and that inspired the storyheader I made. May I present to you:

Prompt Number: R1009
Art title: There's An Ocean To Drift In
Artist: beelikej
Title: As Long As You're Mine [ LJ | DW]

Author: backrose_17
Pairing(s: Surfer!Jensen/Merman!Jared | Fandom/Genre: RPF, AU, Romance, Supernatural creatures
Rating: PG-13 (all the art is rated G:) | Word Count: 11326 | Warnings: None (See tags at AO3!)
Summary: Jensen has always been called to the water.
Jared has always longed to see the surface world.
One trip changes both of their lives and forges a bond that can never be broken.

Prompt & Additional artwork
This was the original artprompt (There is a making of below!)

I added this short description to lure in an author: Five surfers (Jensen, Chris, Tom, Mike & Chad;) and merman Jared. Is this their first sighting or have they been long time friends? Are they springbreak students, (semi) pro surfers? Is it the 1960s/70s/80s/or an imaginary era where merfolk are common?
Read the story to find out what happens!

For these I used details from the promptscene and waves.

I did edit Ch. 4 a little bit to get all the elements into the frame:)
Also: having them together you can see the different colours. It's the same blue paper, but I took the photos in september and november respectively, hence the difference.


Making of the artprompt

Photoshoot by Eva Roefs (with text by Lotte Stig) for Volkskrant Magazine J19Nr3, 7 July 2018.
I scanned and edited the photo to get a base for my beach set up.

My original idea was to have the guys pose behind the screen with just their heads showing.
I would leave it unclear if maybe one of them actually was a merman.
While fiddling digitally, before deciding on a definite medium to work in,
I found a photo that had an awesome surfgang, but I couldn't get it to work
with the dimensions of my screen set up.

So I chose to use that image as my scene instead. I put Chris (Kane), Tom (Welling) Mike (Rosenbaum) and Chad (Michael Murray) on actual surfboards together with Jensen and I turned Jared into a real merman.
By then I had decided to go with papercutting and I added a simple wave shape as a frame.

Casting the parts: can you tell who's who on the boards?
Picking papercolours and tracing outlines for cutting.

Adjusting the bodies to make individual shapes and away I go...


You can't tell, but there's three hours (3!) in between these two photos because I started to have doubts about the papercutting and wondered if I maybe should draw the scene instead. I worked on that before returning to this version and adding the wave.

Here's the drawing I made in between. After that, I added swimshorts to the papercut and then I didn't know which version I wanted to submit. *sighs*

I figured I just experiment with both. I found shiny paper for Jared's tail and I cut surfboards.

Now I kind of favor the paperversion again, even more so when I add the hair.

As an alternative I cut the drawn dudes and mix them with the paperboards and waves.

Ack, what to do, what to do? I opt to do a photoshoot with both and then make a final decision.

As you've seen up top, the paperversion won in the end:)

Making of the storyheader

My author described this scene right in the first pitch and I immediately wanted to visualize the boys chatting on the rocks. Here's the pencil sketch I made. (To the left you can see a vague outline for a different Jensen, but that pose wouldn't work in papercutting, so I quickly dismissed it:)
Time to start cutting!

I used a pincer to position the tiny waves on Jensen's swimshorts.
To fit with the look of the prompt artwork, I chose the same color paper for the boys' bodies.

A new experiment: folding Jensen's arm looked even better than I'd imagined:)

I shortened Jared's tail when I realized the reference I used had a human boy with a fake tail that was longer to fit his feet; an actual merboy's fins would not stretch out that far, duh.

Used this cutsheet with tiny flags from my FLOW paperbook to cut their sprinkled icecream.

As a finishing touch I added a waffle pattern with pencil.

Oooh, there was some sunlight peaking from behind the high flat across the street, so I build an cardboard tower to be able to catch some rays and make photos with nice shades.

I tried different angles, but the hard shadows made it look odd and the winter sun makes the blue look greenish. *pouts*

Luckily I also captured some soft shading. To perk up the colours a little I added a soft light filter in Photoshop (and I also cleaned up a few glue dots;).

That's all, folks!

Sources & Thanks
Title for the artprompt from Swim by Jack's Mannequin (gorgeous graphics in that video)
Vintage surfing photo: Photo Media/ClassicStock/CORBIS (found on
Merfolk and tail examples: and
Different kids on the rocks: (StockPhoto)
Patterned paper: FLOW, book for paper lovers, 2014 edition.

Fonts: Most of the text is set in Qiber by Mariya V. Pigoulevskaya for The Northern Block Ltd.
The apostrophe is Alyssum Blossom by Bombastype.
The 2, 3 & 4 on the Chapterheaders are Bernhard Modern Std by Lucian Bernhard for ATF.

Thanks, backrose_17 for claiming my merman!Jared and surfer!Jensen and giving them a history and a future together:)


For more papercutting or my other artworks check out the tags below or browse through My Masterlist of Artsy Fiddlings:)

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papercuttingart, reversebang!, i made this, j2, bbartwork

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