ARTpost: ReverseBang 2020-2!

Nov 23, 2020 18:00

My second SPN_ReverseBang for 2020 features not 1J, not 2Js but the whole set: I imagined J3 with a candystore (cheekily named after JDM's real life farm:) I was lucky enough to have that promptpiece claimed by one of my favorite authors and she created magic:) This of course in return inspired me to make additional art. I did some papercutting, played in Illustrator, which I hadn't done in a very long time, and I put the whole together in Photoshop (that I also used for some maniping;).
Here's the result:

Prompt Number: E3004
Art title: Mischief Candy
Artist: beelikej

Fic title: Mischief Candy
Author: whiskygalore
Pairing: Jeff/Jared & Jeff/Jared/Jensen | Fandom/Genre: RPF, outside POV
Rating: G (art) & PG-13 (fic) | Word Count: 7000 | Warnings: tiny bit of violence
Summary: The town of Mischief has always been a little bit magical. Even if no human ever noticed.

Original Artprompt

This is the description/prompt I added to the artwork: Short description of art: J3 in funky outfits in front of a Candyshop surrounded by sweets. Are they the Winchesters in disguise or in an AU? Is it their shop? Is Jeff the (grumpy? kind?) owner and have J2 been coming there forever because one (or both!) of them have always had a crush on the candyman? Is it their hang-out spot to share magical adventures or the place where they get together to rewind after (acting) jobs? Family, friendship or romance, it's all good, tell me their story, author! (Bonus points for Jeff/John saying sweetheart)


Alternative Headers
So I struggled a bit with the cat and ended up making different versions. I also made alternative banners including Jared:)

End banners
Besides an end banner, I also made an end poster:

(With a slightly younger Jensen, to fit the fic:)

For the original prompt I had also created a bobble head version of the guys:

The Making Of The Prompt
The original prompt was a true multi media set-up: I did some papercutting and sketching, drew the shop in Illustrator and then put it all together with the guys in Photoshop.

Tried to create paper marshmellows...

Behind the scenes of the additional artwork
While whiskygalore was writing, I thought about a way to make extra art with the same feel as the artprompt. I ended up doing more papercutting for the lollypops and the icecreams.
I had first intended to also make the cat out of paper, but that didn't feel right, as all the other paper items were about candy. So to show the connection with the shop, I figured I should create the cat in Illustrator as well...
Last but not least, I did some more Photoshopping and replaced Jensen's head with a slightly younger version:)

First paper set up for the icecreams and a discarded cut for the lollipops.

How perfect is this paper for icecream cones? I used my bonefolder to create an edge.

Folding made the lollipops look to flowery; I also replaced the original purple 'sticks' with brown paper.

All the things \o/

Title font: Rumble Brave by Alit Design (edited with Bevel & Emboss effect)
Names font: Summer Show by Khurasan
J3 bodies: Jonas Brothers Happiness Begins photoshoot by Peggy Sirota - 2019 (I made the outfits even more colourful:)
lollyphotoshoot jeff - Copyright: ©Melanie Dunea/CPi Syndication


Thank you whiskygalore for taking this prompt beyond my imagination and for cheering me on in the middle of all the SPN finale emotions<3


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papercuttingart, reversebang!, jdm, i made this, j2, bbartwork

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