I'm going to be Derrick Flanagin for this entry, except I won't be in Ambry. This is my first survey EVER! i think!!!!!!
1. Last song you heard: Me and Andy Bills new acoustic song
2. Last CD you bought: Crap...I'm guessing the Kodan Armada/Gospel split in August.
3. Last band you saw live: Probably the streetlight years
4. Favorite local band: THE STREETLIGHT YEARS
5. Favorite local band venue: Any house that has shows there, which is NOWHERE.
6. Your favorite show of all time: played: kodan aramada/van johnson/the critic - lousiville ky, watched: sigur ros/the album leaf - boston ma
7. If you could have two groups/artists work together to make a song, who would it be: prince and my grandmother
8. Greatest musician that is dead: I'm not in the mood
9. Favorite band currently: This changes everyday...but today I've been cranking Further Seems Forever and Codeseven.
10. Band you wish would reform: A Days Refrain..why not.
11. Favorite line out of a song: coke
12. Band you wish would split up: It's not really a concern with me.
13. Favorite Music Video: Ambry - Memory Or Tragedy...only because I'm in it and it ROX.
14. CD you'll never sell: i dont have one.
15. Group most people wouldn't imagine you'd be listening to: And enjoying? I don't know...Ryan Cabrera, Miles Davis, Preacher Gone To Texas, Taller Than Bob
16. What song makes you horny: www.purevolume.com/xchristmasx
17. Good rainy day CD: One Am Radio - Buried Below
18. Good "I hate the world" CD: Pg.99 - DOC #8
19. Good "I'm happy" CD: The Anniversary - Designing A Nervous Breakdown
20. Good "I'm down" CD: Mineral - The Power Of Failing
21. Good seduction music: Mock Orange - The Record Play...because people get turned on because of the immense talent that this band has.
22. Song that always gets stuck in your head: Mock Orange - Twelve O'Clock Call
23. Song you use to annoy people: I'm not following you.
24. First music you remember ever buying (album or single): Hanson - MMM Bop single...and you probably think I'm joking.
25. What group did you listen to a lot at 14: Deftones, Glassjaw, Poison The Well, Far, Codeseven, Thursday?
26. How about 16: Saetia, Pg.99, Orchid, Funeral Diner, Reggie And The Full Effect, A Days Refrain, Converge, Yage, Death Cab For Cutie
27. And 18: La Quiete, Mock Orange, The One Am Radio, Raein, Ampere, Small Brown Bike
28. Now: Spitalfield, Further Seems Forever, Glassjaw, Appleseed Cast, Mock Orange
+|| SECTION ONE : At The Moment ||+
1. Name: Darryl Pohas
2. Nicknames: D, DP
3. Feet size: 11
4. Do you have a crush? Yeah a BIG ONE. BRIANNA P.
5. Boyfriend/Girlfriend?: My crush IS my girlfriend,
6. Age you act: Sometimes 6. Sometimes 18.
7. Where do you live?: Manchester, New Hampshire
8. Where do you want to live?: Honestly, I love New England. So, here.
9. Favorite salad dressing: Ranch
10. Ever gone skinny dipping?: YEAAAAAH WITH MALE FRIENDS
11. What are you watching?: This fuckin screen dude brah.
12. Last person you talked to: Dustin
13. Favorite movie: I'm not much of a movie person...but I guess High Fidelity
14. Favorite book: I don't read because I'm an idiot.
15. Favorite type of music: Amazing stuff only.
16. Favorite types of cars: Ones that work.
17. Favorite fast food: TBell
18. Favorite ice cream: Anything with peanut butter and chocolate in it.
19. Favorite alcoholic drink: I don't drink.
20. When do you go to sleep?: Always after 1. Right now it's almost 4 so use your judgement.
21. Most embarrassing moment: I don't remember stuff like that.
22. Stupidest person you know: I knew a few stupidz.
23. Funniest person you know: Derrick, Andrew, or Alex.
24. Favorite holiday: Christmas for SURE.
25. Favorite food: BREAD.
26. Favorite songs: Pg.99 - The Hollowed Out Chest of A Dead Horse
27. Favorite television show: BATTLE FOR OZZFEST or Late Night With Conan O Brian
28. Favorite radio station: I don't listen to the radio.
29. Wearing: Fleece socks, fleece pullover, tshirt, jeans, undies, headphones
30. How many siblings: 1 sister Kim
31. Favorite saying: saying 'rediculous' a lot, 'that's dope', or 'you fat bitch, shave that shit.'
32. Favorite junk food: Cheez-Itzzzz
33. Favorite happy love song: Reggie And The Full Effect - Relive the Magic, Bring the Magic Home
34. Favorite article of clothing: Right now? probably my new winter hat...or my fleece pullover.
35. Favorite animal: MY TWO CATS WHO HATE EVERYONE BUT ME AND MY MOM!!!!!!!!
+|| SECTION TWO: The Future ||+
1. School: We'll see next year
2. Where you want to live: here, California, New Jersey, or in a tour bus.
3. How many kids you want: I'd like 1.
4. What kind of job you want: One where I'll be able to enjoy what I'm doing and get paid WELL for it.
5. Wedding song: BABY GOT BACK
6. Pets?: I hope to always have kitties.
7. Car?: A dependable one at that!
8. 5 years from now? No idea.
9. 10 years from now? Eating bread.
+|| SECTION THREE: Have You Ever.. ||+
1. Done drugs: Nope.
2. Run away from home: Nope.
3. Hit someone: Of course I've hit someone. I'm punk.
4. Lied: In 18 years? Of course.
5. Smoked: Nope.
6. Broken a bone: Nope.
7. Cheated on a test: I'm sure I probably have someone down the line.
8. Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: Nope.
9. Gotten drunk: Nope. I'm pretty boring I GUESS!
10. Been with 2 guys/girls at once: Haha...ummm no.
11. Been in the hospital: When I was bornded.
12. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: Yes dude!!!!!!!
13. Feel asleep in the shower/bath: I'm not a fucking cow.
14. Gone to church: Not willingly is right, D Flan.
15. Never slept during the night: It's fuckin fun sometimes. Especially when you have school the next day. Everyone treats you like you've actually accomplished something by not sleeping.
16. Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: Someone stole my motorbike!
17. Been to camp: Camp Foster, yes.
18. Sat in a restaurant without ordering: I'm sure I have.
19. Seen someone die: Nope.
20. Gone a week without shaving: Are you kidding me? It's my life. I get a real nice Conrad neck beard going every week.
21. Didn't wash your hair for week: I doubt it.
22. Broken something valuable: Probably.
23. Thought you were in love: I'd say there's a pretty good chance that i am right now, but who the fuck knows what love is anyway. I'm happy.
24. Said I love you and meant it: YES A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25. Been hurt by a guy/girl you loved: For sure.
26. Stayed up till 4 am on the phone: I used to do it all the time.
27. Pulled a prank: One time when i was like 6 I called 911 and then hung up before they could say anything.
28. Screamed at someone for no reason: It's fun to yell loudly. I like when Steve yells in public places and Andrew and Alex have to calm him down. Usually he's talking about nothing at all in the first place.
29. Streaked the streets: Nooooo.
30. Made fun of someone: Everyone has.
SECTION FOUR: Which Is Better.. ||+
1. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
2. Cats or Dogs: Fuck dogs.
3. DVDs or VHS: DVDs
4. Deaf or Blind: Blind
5. Pools or Hot Tubs: Hot Tub
6. Television or radio: Televish
7. CDs or MP3s: MP3s
8. Apples or Oranges: Oranges....even though my mouth would probable have an allergic reaction.
9. Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries
10. Gold or Silver: Silver
11. Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla.
12. Movies or music: Music.
13. Park or Beach: Park.
14. Hot or cold weather: Cold. FALLLL WINTER YESSSS
15. Sunset or sunrise: Sunset. I am a man of the nighttime.
SECTION FIVE: When Was The Last Time You.. ||+
1. Took a shower: About 10 hours ago.
2. Cried: Hmmm....probably when I found about all the Brianna crap.
3. Watched a Disney movie: Hm.....I'm not even sure.
4. Given/gotten a hug: Brianna.
5. Been to the movies: Me and Brianna went to see the Incredibles but it was sold out so XPAC SUCK IT.
6. Kissed someone: Brianna.
7. Said I love you: Brianna.
8. Danced: Me and Derrick danced in the organic/dairy and bread/frozen aisles last night at Stop n Shop last night at about 2 AM.
9. Did a survey like this: Never.
10. Had a boyfriend/girlfriend: Currently.
+|| SECTION SIX: What Is.. ||+
1. Your fondest memory of this year: By far, the February Critic tour.
2. Your most prized possession: My laptop or my Sovtek head.
3. The thing that makes you the happiest: Friends, music, food, kisses, hugs, nice people.
4. Your favorite food for breakfast: egg n cheese on a bagel.
5. Your favorite food for dinner: BURRITOSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Your favorite slow song: Lionel Riche - Get A Slip n Slide On My Dick.
+|| SOCIAL ||+
1. Are you the center of attention or wallflower: It depends who I'm around I guess and what the situation is. I'm pretty outgoing I guess though.
2. What type of automobile do you drive: 94 Honda Accord, fuck yessssss.
3. Are you timely or always late: TIMELAY BITCHES.
4. Do you have a job: Hannaford for over 2 1/2 fucking years. Hopefully I get that job at the Gap.
5. Do you like being around peope: Who the fuck do you think i am?
1. Room in the house: Secret hot tub room or my bedroom.
2. Type of music: SKRAMZ.
3. Location for dates: Umm...hanging out at my house watching movies or laying in my bed oooor a show would be fun?
4. Memory: A lot of Brianna stuff and a lot of Critic stuff.
5. Day of the week: Any day I'm not working, unless it's Sunday ($12.50/hour asshole)
6. Color: Blue.
7 Perfume or cologne: I'm not very picky with Brianna's scents. Whatever she wears (even if it's nothing at all) always smells good.
8. Flower: Pretty ones.
9. Month: Anytime during fall or winter.
10. Season: Fall.
+|| In the last 48 hours, have you.. ||+
1. Cried: Naw dawg.
2. Bought something: A new winter hat, 7' ethernet cable, a super burrito from Nachos, a Dominos medium half cheese/mushroom pizza for me and Brianna, $3 worth of gas...I think that's it.
3. Gotten sick: I've been overstuffed a couple times.
4. Sang: Too much, haha.
5. Said I love you: Yep.
6. Wanted to tell someone you loved them but didn't: No way, Jose.
7. Met someone new: Hmmm...I'm getting closer to Andy Bills now...but I already know him. Other than that I'm not sure.
8. Moved on: From what? Grow up.
9. Talked to someone: Yep. A lot.
10. Had a serious talk: Yes, a few.
11. Missed someone: If The Critic is a person than yes.
12. Hugged someone: Yep, a handful of peeps.
13. Kissed someone: Yes!!!! My girlfriend.
14. Fought with your parents: Nope. I've been frustrated/annoyed though. Happens pretty often.
15. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: Mmmm no.
+|| Love ||+
1. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with? I don't just love random people....so no I guess.
2. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did? Yeah, probably too much.
3. Do you have a type of person you always go after? Nope.
4. Want someone you don't have right now? I got her ;)
5. Ever liked a close guy/girlfriend?: Yep.
6. Are you lonely right now? No, I'm in great spirits! It's so fucking late oh man.
7. Ever afraid you'll never get married? Yes, I've thought of it. It bothers me a little bit but I have plenty of time.
8. Do you want to get married? Yea.
9. Do you like being around people? STOP ASKING THIS QUESTION.
10. Would you rather love or be loved? People? Or other things too? This question is too vague anyway.
That's it!!!!!! Check out my new LJ.com pic. I got a new haircut. And I'm LOL'ing in the picture at how stupid I am for taking the picture. check out my sweet christmas lights in the background in my room. Fuckin killer.
I miss my old band big time. I love cold weather and the clothes that I wear during it. I love music and certain people.