Damsel In Distress Challenge

May 28, 2013 23:59

Chapter 3

Deliver Me

“So now I could be sold into a worse situation then I’m in now,” Kagome said to Ayame. The two of them were sitting in Ayame’s bedroom. Kagome’s wounds were almost healed, and she would be returning to work soon.

“Yes, but we might get you out of here sooner,” Ayame replied. She and Kagome had started to become good friends during Kagome’s layup, and Ayame just told her about the conversation she had with Naraku about Kagome’s future.

“How? I don’t see that happening. I think it would have been better for you to just let Naraku kill me.”

“Don’t say that. Lord Inutaisho is arriving in a few days. We just have to make sure you wait on him. I’ve heard he doesn’t like seeing anybody mistreated, especially females. When he see how ragged you look, and you’ll probably look worse once he’s here, he’ll want to purchase you.”

“Thanks. I’m glad you think I look hideous and that someone would feel sorry for me because of it.”

“That’s not what I meant, and you know that. Naraku likes to slap you around a lot. You can do something as simple as dropping something on the ground next to Naraku when Inutaisho is with him. That way, Naraku would be sure to knock you around.

“I’m starting to question your friendship. It seems like you want me to get beat up.”

“You know I’m only trying to help. It’s a perfect plan.”

“I guess, and I don’t need to give Naraku an excuse to knock me around. He seems to come up with his own. So if I decide to go with your crazy plan, I’ll go from being a salve of one lord to another. I don’t see how that is better.”

“Lord Inutaisho is known for being very kind. You may be a slave, but you would have a better life with him. Just trust me.”

“What about you?”

“Don’t worry about me. As long as I keep my mouth shut, I’ll be fine. Good healers are hard to come by, and I’m one of the best. He’s not going to kill me.”

“What if he finds a healer that’s better?”

“He won’t.”

Sesshomaru couldn’t believe how desolate Naraku’s lands looked as he, his Father, and their two guards flew over. The market in the village next to the castle was run down and overrun with thugs. He shook his head at the thought of a lord letting his lands get in this condition and letting his people suffer.

“I can take care of your dragons,” a groom offered after they landed.

“No thank you,” Inutaisho said. “Were not going to be long. They can graze here while we conduct business.”

A female youkai with short black hair greeted them at the castle entrance. “Welcome, Lord Inutaisho.”

“Thank you Kagura,” Inutaisho replied.

“Hello, Sesshomaru.”

“Kagura,” Sesshomaru nodded in response.

“Have you changed your mind about my proposal?” Kagura asked Sesshomaru.

“Sorry, the answer is still no.”

“I figured it would be, but I thought I would still ask. Follow me this way. My father is waiting.”

Sesshomaru and his father, guards in tow, followed Kagura into the castle. Naraku had offered his daughter as a potential mate for Sesshomaru. Kagura was pleasant enough, and obviously wasn’t after him for position since she already had that, being a lord’s daughter. What Kagura was looking for in a mating with him was an escape, freedom from her father. She and her younger sister, Kana, were afraid of their father, unlike their two brothers who were just as evil as Naraku. Sesshomaru's father was letting him chose for himself, and Sesshomaru wasn’t going to take just any female as a mate. Kagura was too passive, and there was no way he would take one of Naraku’s daughters as a mate, even if he did like her.

Kagura led them into a room with a large table in the center of it. Naraku was already there, sitting at the table. He stood and bowed to both Inutaisho and Sesshomaru as they sat, while their guards stayed outside the door.

“How was your trip?” Naraku asked.

“Uneventful,” Inutaisho answered.

“That’s good. Well, shall we get to business?”


“My lands are still going through a drought, and our crops have been hit hard. I was hoping I could negotiate receiving more grain from you.”

“How much more?”

“Double what I’m already receiving.”

Inutaisho laughed. “You’ve got to be kidding, right?”

“No, I’m not,” Naraku answered, obviously not happy with Inutaisho’s response.

“We’re also going through a drought.”

“Not as bad as here.”

“I might be able to spare more gain, but it’ll cost you double.”

“I was hoping to negotiate on that.”

“And what were you wanting to pay for the increase?”

“Just a quarter more.”

“You have got to be kidding?!”

“I can’t afford to pay more, and I need the grain.”

“That’s neither my fault nor my responsibility.”

Before Naraku could respond, Kagome walked in, carrying a tray with a tea pot and cups.

“It’s about time!” Naraku exclaimed.

“Sorry, my lord. It won’t happen again,” Kagome replied in a submissive voice as she glared at Naraku.

Kagome hesitated a moment, looking at the other youkai in the room. Kagome couldn’t believe how much they closely resembled each other.

“Are you going to serve us or what?” Naraku asked, bringing Kagome out of her thoughts.

“Yes, my lord.”

Kagome served Inutaisho first.

“Thank you,” he replied with a smile.

“You’re welcome,” Kagome smiled back.

She continued to Sesshomaru, who just nodded impassively. She then started to pour tea for Naraku. Kagome glanced towards Inutaisho and Sesshomaru, remembering what Ayame had said and trying to figure out what she could do to agitate Naraku into hitting her. All of a sudden, she was struck on the left side of her face.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Naraku yelled, standing. Kagome had accidently poured hot tea on Naraku’s hand and lap.

“Sorry, my lord,” Kagome replied through gritted teeth.

“Don’t touch me!” Naraku yelled at her when Kagome tried to help dry his hand and lap.

Kagome settled on wiping up the mess on the table. Afterward, she left the room.

Inutaisho recognized Naraku’s salve. He was positive she was lord Higurashi’s daughter. Inutaisho had seen her one time upon a visit to their lands. She was younger then, but there was no doubt in his mind it was her. Inutaisho was appalled by her condition. The young female had a nasty scar that ran down and across her face; she was covered in bruises and had a black eye. He was further bothered by the fact that when she had made a mistake, Naraku immediately hit her.

“Well now, back to business,” Naraku started after Kagome left.

“The young slave that was here,” Sesshomaru spoke up, “I’m assuming she’s a miko by the subjugation collar she’s wearing?”

“Yes, she is,” Naraku answered.

“Four charms? Is that necessary?” Sesshomaru asked. “It seems a little extreme.”

“I started with two, and when she was attacked by one of my guards, she broke both of them and caused the guard to lose his arm. I didn’t want to take any chance of that happening again. Next time, someone could die.”

“I’ll give you what you for the price you want to pay,” Inutaisho replied instantly, "but, I want the slave that was just in here. She’ll make up for the difference in the price of the grain.”

“She’s more valuable than that. I’ll need double the grain for the same price I pay now if you want her included as payment.”


“She’s Lord Higurashi’s daughter, and she’s untouched.”

“I don’t care whose daughter she is or that she’s untouched. I’m not budging on my offer. Take it or leave it.”

Naraku was pissed. This is not how this deal was supposed to go, and if he was going to sell Kagome, he didn’t want Inutaisho to own her, but he needed more gain. “Deal.”

“Have the slave ready in fifteen,” Inutaisho said, getting up. “You’ll have your first shipment of gain in a week.”

“You’re not staying?” Naraku asked. “I had rooms prepared for you.”

“Sorry, I have to get back. I have a grandpup that is due any day, and I don’t want to miss his birth,” Inutaisho replied. It wasn’t a lie: his younger son and his mate were expecting their second pup. But it wasn’t the whole truth either: he didn’t trust Naraku and wasn’t going to stay a night in his castle, so he used the grandpup as an excuse.

“Well, I guess it wouldn’t be right to keep you here longer than necessary. Congratulations on the grandpup.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ll have the slave ready.”

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