Title: The Dragons
Pairing: YunJae + YunJae + MinSu
Rating: PG-13
Length: Twoshot
Genre: AU, fluff, crossover(s)
Disclaimer: I don't own anything apart from the story. I wish I had YunJae and if I had my way, they'd move to New Zealand so they can be MARRIED here
Summary: Jaejoong is returning to work after being given time off following the
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Comments 19
And while I do see their point about the security cameras I think I would be extremely pissed off if Jung walked in and told me what to do with my hospital lol xD
Yunhos and Jaes are driving me crazy hot and horny at the same time!!!!
I'm still in the hoslital and reading this make my afternoon so much asdfghjklalala hot
I love it i love it so much and i love the power they have on them its so fucking sexy
Thank u for writing this!!!
Tatooist is my fav ever and when we have crossovers i go crazy & happy hahaha
Jaejoong is still the same even with 5 kids.
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