character info sheet;

Dec 03, 2009 08:26


Name: Bumblebee
Age: a few millenia, appears about 23 as human
Birthdate: March 3
Birthplace: Cybertron
Bloodtype: Energon aka n/a
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Eyesight: n/a aka perfect

Height: 16'2'' robot form / 5'7'' human
Weight: 1.6 metric tons robot form / 68 kg human
Hair: n/a / dirty blonde with dark roots
Eyes: bright electric blue
Skin: n/a / pale
Other facial features: While human the Autobot 'tattoo' is right above the line of hair on his forehead, so it's covered.

Favourite food: Cakes? Anything Sam likes.
Favourite colour: Yellow.
Favourite movies: Action movies with awesome car chases.
Favourite books: Anything.
Favourite music: Anything loud and/or very expressive.
Favourite animal: All.
Favourite weather: Sunny and warm.
Favourite sport/physical activity: Racing.
Favourite date spot: The beach, the outlook.
Preferred type: Strong in spirit, loyal...?
Best subject: ...? Infiltration and observation?

Disliked food: None.
Disliked colour: Anything that doesn't go well with his paint job.
Disliked movies: Anything that lacks a happy end...
Disliked books: None.
Disliked music: Screechy.
Disliked animal: None.
Disliked weather: Rainy with thunderstorms.
Disliked sport/physical activity: Fighting.
Disliked date spot: None.
Disliked type: ... Barricade?
Worst subject: ...?

Description of bedroom: Spartan with no distinctive/personal touch.
Scents (shampoo/cologne/lotion/etc.): Courtesy of Kodachi, honey scented things.
Laugh: Soundless. His vocal processor/chords are damaged, so he can only smile, grin, cheekily, and his shoulders shake when he laughs. Might take small intakes of breath when he does, so that'd be the only sound he makes when laughing.
Sense of humour: A little on the odd side. He's a bit of a brat and will tease the elders, thinking it funny. And in general teasing, but never with any malice in it.
Temper: When it comes to protecting others, then very short. Otherwise ... well, it's rather short too, unless you're Sam or a human he's particularly fond of.
Basic nature: Laid-back, good natured.
Kinsey rating: x

Spends money on: In-game: Nothing in particular -- rent, food, others.
Daily rituals: In-game: shower in the morning and in the evening (someone dislikes the feeling of being sweaty), working out in the evenings, monitoring carefully the network, paying some attention to the 'Con activity, etc.
Random trivia: He gets by well enough on 5 hours of sleep. Generally doesn't like how vulnerable he is while asleep as a human.
Currently wants: Everyone to get home. Sam's company.
Dress (style, colors): Yellow & black, casual, comfortable. Unless Artemis or Blackarachnia get their hands on him.
Current occupation: Mechanic, spy/scout.
Marital status: Single.
Current Residence: Casa de Allspark. Artemis' mansion.

Dominant character traits: Loyal, protective, playful, optimistic, laid-back, easy going, friendly, curious.
Likeable traits: Thoughtful, intelligent, patient, forgiving.
Annoying traits: Nosy, sometimes impulsive, show-off, vain.

Love interest(s): Sam, Artemis.
Lust interest(s): Barricade...?
Close friends: Sam, Artemis, Fran, Blackarachnia, Optimus Prime, Kodachi, Abel, Ratchet, Ironhide, Jazz, Sideswipe.
Other friends: Lennox, Mikaela, Epps, Arcee, Chromia, Prowl, Suzaku, Esther.
Acquaintances: Everyone else?
Disliked people: Michael Trinity, Grimmjow.
Enemies and why: Barricade... the Decepticons in general. Reasons obvious enough.
Family: n/a

Habits: Standing up for the weak. 8|
Talents: Sneaking around, evasion, hacking, racing/fast driving.
Hobbies: Racing, learning.
Entertainment of choice: Racing, music/movies, learning about human culture! Spending time with Sam or Artemis, playing chess.
Musical talents: None of his own? He can sing, when he has his voice and he's learning to play the piano from Bridget.
Ambitions: Make Optimus proud. B| Make all other Autobots acknowledge him as a good solider.
Educational background: ...?
Philosophy of life: Nothing is impossible.

Introvert/extrovert: Extrovert.
Intuitive/reasoning: Intuitive.
Optimist/pessimist: Optimist.
Tense/relaxed: Relaxed.
Serious/carefree: Carefree.


What is your earliest memory?

What was your biggest disillusion as a child?

What's one thing no one knows about you?

What's one thing everyone assumes about you that isn't true?

What's one thing you wish you could stop?

What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have?

What are you a sucker for?

What's your biggest pet peeve?

What is your most prized possession?

What can absolutely make your day, no matter what?

What's the worst part of your life right now?

Do you have or want children?

If/when you ever have children, what is one thing you absolutely want to teach them?

What was the worst advice your father ever gave you? The best?

When did you feel you'd finally 'come of age?'

How do you feel about sex?

Describe your ideal significant other.

How do you deal with depression, stress or sadness?

How do you think of yourself?

How do your friends think of you?

How do your enemies think of you?

Who is your biggest role model?

What is your biggest accomplishment to date?

What has been your most humbling experience to date?

What will it take for you to die happy?

What would you rather be doing right now?

!character info

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