NBI 2.27 wherein befers and loch_nessie conquer 13K

Oct 18, 2008 23:47

The Exercise

Outdoor Walking
Time: 2 h, 40 min
Distance: 8 mi
Steps: 15,994
Pace: 3 mph or 20 min/mi

The Mental State

I am sore.
I am proud.

We decided that the weather was beautiful today, and we wanted to attempt the 13K before the race next weekend.

And we did it.

Not quite as fast as we need to for the race, but we really only need to pick up 16 minutes, and we stopped and rested for 8 minutes today.
So I think if we don't stop, adrenalin will get us the rest of the way there.

We noticed that our pace improved through the first 5 miles.
So that's good.

Ness and I kick ass.

And also today, I got in over 20,000 steps.

That is all.

exercise log, new beth initiative

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