1. Are you currently mad at someone?
2. Which of your family members has the worst temper?
my brother
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyones face?
i sure have lol
4. Does your face turn red when you're angry?
6. If you could have anything right now, what would it be?
to be cured of my stuff
1. Name?
2. Where were you born?
3. What's your main goal in life?
get married and start a family
4. Do you want to have children?
5. How do you want to die?
peacefully in my sleep at a very old age
1. Sex before marriage?
2. Lower the drinking age?
idk, people drink at all ages no matter what the law says
3. Abortion?
i could never do it
4. Recycling?
my towns so lame it focuses on stupid things rather than recycle
1. Do you have a crush?
2. Who is the best hugger that you know?
3. Do you believe in love at first sight?
i didn't til it happend
Q: How many beds were you in yesterday?
A: 2
Q: What color shirt are you wearing?
a: white eskimo joes pj shirt
Q: Name one thing that you do everyday?
A: take medicine
Q: How much cash do you have on you right now?
A: 25 bucks
Q: Hockey?
A:i love it, love goin to games
Q: I can't wait till...?
A: i get married!
Q: Who got you to join Myspace?
A: David S
Q: Is Tom on your friends list?
A: nope
Q: Look to your left. What's there?
A: my wall with collages on it my goal is to cover the walls almost completely
Q: What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone?
A: probably something of my sisters.. with out asking haha
Q: What website(s) do you visit the most?
A: myspace, and the one that has the Big Brother updates
Q: Do you have plants in your room?
A: no i dont water them
Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now?
A: so far no
Q: What city was your last taxi ride in?
A: never
Q: Recent time you were really upset?
A: March when my grandma died
1.Person you saw not in your family:
3. What are you going to eat for dinner:
already had dinner, I made pork chops, baked potatoes, green beans, rolls, and salad
3. What are you doing tomorrow?
getting up around 2am to help my mom pack and then take her to the airport, go to Sams, and maybe some clothes shopping, then cleaning and laundry
4. Do you have to work:
some people dont think so but running a house is a lot of work
1. Currently love someone:
2. Like someone:
Yep ;)
3. Does someone like you: