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Jan 09, 2010 02:53

(Spoilers for SPN 5.10 / Criminal Minds 5.10 / Glee 1.04)

Break Me - AKA: We May Be Sad, But We're Still Pretty!

I started this about 3 months ago after a random conversation and never got round to completing it but--Here it is. :)

A LOT of effort went into making this picspam (even if it might not look like it!) so please, do not use these images elsewhere or re-use them for graphics. Some I capped myself but I coloured them ALL, so I'd appreciate it if they weren't used elsewhere. :) ENJOY!

Angel/Judy (Angel the Series: S2, Are You Now or Have You Ever Been):

Judy smiling at him: "It's you."
Angel smiles back her ever so slightly: "Yeah, Judy. It's me."
Judy reaches up to touch his face: "You look the same."
Angel: "I'm not."
Judy: "They killed you - because of *me*. (Angel shakes his head at her) I killed you."
Angel shaking his head: "No. No. No."
Judy: "He kept them from the door. He told me I'd be safe. - Am I safe?"
Angel: "You're safe."
Judy: "Can I go out now?"
Angel: "Yeah. You can go out."

I don't quite know why this scene breaks me so. I don't know if it's the look on Judy's face when she realises she's free. Or how she reacts to seeing Angel again, looking the same, even though he knows and insists he's different. I don't think you're ever told if Judy, in fact, dies in this scene but that's what I take it to mean when she lays down on the bed and that, right there, is what breaks me. Because being freed by Angel means it's okay for her to rest now. And GAH.

Oz/Willow (Buffy the Vampire Slayer: S4, Wild at Heart):

Willow: I knew, you jerk. And you sat there, and you told me everything was fine? And that's as bad as... As... (Now crying.)
Oz: I know how it feels. I remember.
Willow: Oh. So what, this is payback? I had this coming?
Oz: No. It's not--
Willow: Because I thought that was behind us. And you know, what happened with Xander, it doesn't compare. Not with what you and I had.

I watched Buffy a little backwards and got into it during the end of S3 so there was no really big heartfelt moments (for me, at least) until this episode came along. I didn't even get the reference about payback but the look on Willow's face broke me clean in two.

Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester (Supernatural; S2, Everybody Loves a Clown)

SAM: You were right.
DEAN: About what?
SAM: About me and dad. I'm sorry that the last time I was with him I tried to pick a fight. I'm sorry that I spent most of my life angry at him. I mean, for all I know he died thinking that I hate him. So you're right. What I'm doing right now, it's too little. It's too late. (beat) I miss him, man. And I feel guilty as hell. And I'm not all right. Not at all. But neither are you. That much I know. (pause) I'll let you get back to work.

It's heartbreaking watching Dean in this scene. Not just because he beats up the car but for his facial expressions, for the fact that even he knows that Sam's right, that he's NOT okay. I also find it heartbreaking to watch Sam. Because Sam's not okay either and he's got all that pent-up guilt about the last moments, the last years of his life when all he and his Dad did was argue.

Anya (Buffy The Vampire Slayer: S5, The Body)

Anya: I don't understand how this all happens. How we go through this. I mean, I knew her, and then she's, there's just a body, and I don't understand why she just can't get back in it and not be dead anymore! It's stupid! It's mortal and stupid! And, and Xander's crying and not talking, and, and I was having fruit punch, and I thought, well Joyce will never have any more fruit punch, ever, and she'll never have eggs, or yawn or brush her hair, not ever, and no one will explain to me why.

I'll be honest, here, I cried from pretty much the beginning of 'The Body'. There was a huge WTF moment at the start and I thought, stupidly, that Joss had rescued us. That he wasn't killing Joyce as the previous weeks ep had suggested. It went from bad to worse - from crying!Buffy, to Buffy trying to fix her and then the God-awful "we're not supposed to move the body!" -- I didn't know I COULD be broken more than that scene right there... Until Anya.

I hadn't actually liked Anya up until that point, on first viewing. I thought she was a poor substitute for Cordelia - no joke - and when she asked "are they gonna cut the body open?" I had much the same reaction as Willow, I was horrified. And then this came out. It was beautifully delivered by EC, the writing was just so spot on and I loved Anya from that very moment on. I cried my eyes out, of course, but I loved her from then. <3

Ally/Renee (Ally McBeal: S1, Boy To The World)

Ally: His parents didn't even come.
Renee: He wasn't alone in the end. Ally... He had you. He didn't die alone.
Ally: Is it possible to love somebody in only two days?
Renee: Yeah. Oh yeah.

Oh Lord, this ep - WHY must Ally McBeal always break me around Christmastime, hm? I began watching this series way before I was an internet freak. I think I'd used a computer maybe 10 times in my life (and those were the old BBC's at school *G* -- God, I sound ancient! -- I'm only 27!!) and I had no idea about fandom or anything. I used to get my Dad to tape this every week for me (Tape! I AM old!) and watched them over. And over. And over. This was pretty much the first episode of Ally McBeal I absolutely broke my heart on watching.

From watching Ally make friends with Steven/Stephanie, the young tranvestite prostitute she agrees to work pro-bono for. To Stephanie's death at the end and how heartbroken Ally is over it. SERIOUSLY, SHOW, IT'S CHRISTMAS...WHERE'S THE HAPPY?! :'(

Ellen/Dean/Jo (Supernatural: S5, Abandon All Hope

ELLEN: Get going now, boys.
DEAN: Ellen-
ELLEN: I said go.
SAM looks at DEAN. They both start to walk away.
ELLEN: And Dean? (waits 'til Dean looks back)Kick it in the ass. Don't miss. (watches them leave and then sits down with Jo) I will always love you, baby.

ELLEN (to a hellhound): You can go straight back to hell, you ugly bitch!

Oh, ELLEN. JO. >:'( I think I spent a week after this ep trying to form coherent thought. I hated Jo in S2, came to like her on rewatch and loved her in S5--Only for them to KILL HER OFF. AND WITH HER MA TOO. Logically, I know that they stayed true to Ellen's character; no way would she have left her baby alone to face all ofthat. But it still hurt. Oh, did it hurt.

Kurt Hummel : Coming Out To His Dad (Glee: S1, Preggers)

Kurt: Dad, I have something that I wanna say. I'm glad that you're proud of me but I don't wanna lie any more. Being a part of the Glee club and football has really showed me that I can be anything. And--What I am... Is... I'm gay.
Burt: I know.
Kurt: Really?
Burt: I've known since you were three. All you wanted for your birthday was a pair of sensible heels. I guess I'm not totally in love with the idea but if that's who you are? Nothing I can do about it and I love you just as much. Okay? (hugs him before walking away) You're sure, right?
Kurt: Yeah. I'm sure.
Burt: Just checking.

I laughed my ass off at the start of the ep when Kurt was dancing to Single Ladies and in walked his Dad. I laughed even more when things worked out and there was the whole football team doing the same dance. And I cried when his Dad was screaming "that's my son!" when Kurt scored. But then it got to the basement and I was entirely sure that Kurt's Pa wasn't going to be so understanding when he came out. A pleasant surprise...that, once again, made me bawl like a friggin' baby.

Also? I <3 how his Dad rallies for him when he's not being given the choice to sing Defying Gravity. <3 <3 SO MUCH LOVE.

Ling Woo (Ally McBeal: S2, Angels and Blimps)

Eric Stall: When it's time to go, you see your angel, that's what they say.
Ling Woo (sitting on his bed in front of Ally): Who's they ? My grand father was in the proverb business. It's all about selling rack cheap cookies.
Eric (to Ling): When you talk to me, I never feel like I have cancer. (Ling smiles a bit) But I do.

(after Eric has gone and Ally, Ling and Eric's Doctor are standing outside)

Julie Stall: I don't know what to... He lived, right up into the end, because of you... two. The last two days... I don't know how to express how grateful I am... (Ally takes her in her arms - she gets back into the room - Dr. Butters and Ally Mcbeal go back to sitting in the chairs).
Ally: Well, he was right about one thing, there's no God !
Greg: OK...
Ally: No, no, no, there couldn't be a God. God wouldn't let that... (she bursts into tears)
Ling: We knew he was dying Ally. This isn't the world's biggest shock! The boy had leukemia! Get over it! (she leaves, and we see her crying into the corridor, rushing outside, crying by an ambulance where nobody can see her anymore)

Apparently my favourite kind of character is the one who's the bitch first and breaks last. This episode of Ally McBeal? Absolutely did that to me. Ling Woo - who is accompanied in the show with a Growl ST every time she comes on screen, lol - convinces a boy dying of leukemia that he can sue God. You see varying degrees of Ling throughout the whole episode - she's acerbic sometimes but she treats him like he's normal and that's what he wants.

And then the end - where Ling goes off at Ally right before she breaks down. MAN, OH MAN. :(

Phoebe Bouffay (Friends: S5, The One Hundredth)

Phoebe (talking to her triplets): So, here you are! Gosh - seems like yesterday I was talking to you in that little Petri dish. Everyone said labor was the hardest thing I'd ever have to do, but they were wrong - this is. Well, I had the most fun with you guys. And I wish I could take you home and see you everyday, but… Okay, I'll settle for being your favorite aunt. I know Alice's sister has a pool, but you lived in me. Okay, so we're cool. Yeah, we're gonna be great. Little high-fives! Ay, ay, ay! (one of the babies starts to cry) Well, if you're gonna cry...

I included Phoebe in my picspam of favourite characters because she's absolutely one of those and this is a big part of the reason why for me. She confesses to Rachel earlier in the episode that she wants to keep one of the babies which makes you laugh, of course, but you realise how serious she is. The thing about Friends was, for me anyway, how they could do humour one minute and heart-wrenching scenes like this the next.

Phoebe saying goodbye to the babies is right up there. <3

Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds: S2, Profiler, Profiled)

Morgan: He did things to you, James, didn't he? He did them to me too. You do whatever you think you gotta do to keep him happy because he's the closest thing to a father you've got but what he's doing to you is wrong and you don't have to let it continue, man.


Morgan: All these years. I kept my mouth shut. I let you go on being a hero, Carl Buford, my mentor--
Carl: What are you talking about?
Morgan: God, I was so afraid of you. I was afraid of the police. Afraid of losing everything I was gaining but that's how you work, isn't it? You make sure there's a hell of a lot to lose, don't you?

Carl: Whatever lies James told you--
Morgan: They're not lies, you did the same thing to me!

Carl: Look at you, you'd probably be dead by now.
Morgan: (crying) Yeah, well it wasn't for free, was it?
Carl: I pulled you out of the gutter.
Morga: I pulled myself out of the gutter, all the way to the FBI. I did that!
Carl: Are you saying I had nothing to do with making you who you are?
Morgan: No, Carl, actually I’m saying that you had everything to do with making me who I am. Because of you I’m somebody who gets to spend the rest of his life making sure that guys like you go down.
Carl: I never hurt you. You could have said no.

Okay, I kinda cheated and wrote in a whole lot of dialogue from two scenes in this ep... But it's not cheating 'cause they're both on the pic *G* I adored Morgan for his flirty banter with Garcia from the minute I began watching Criminal Minds; never imagined there'd be a backstory like this lurking. And oh, what a backstory. Morgan is fierce and protective and he wants to do good and put the bad guys away. From this you start to understand why.

Tru Davies/Harrison Davies (Tru Calling: S1, Two Weddings and a Funeral)

TRU (crying): Talk to me! Talk to me, Harry!
DOCTOR: Miss, you’re not supposed to be in here
TRU: He needs me! (she turns back to Harrison) You said! Harry, you always said you’d ask, so ask me, please, I’m right here! Harry? Just ask me! (she breaks down in tears, stroking his hair)
RICHARD: Tru…sweetheart, come on
TRU (to Harrison) I’ll be waiting at the morgue. I won’t leave you. I’ll always be at your side.

Gah. I know people will SHOOT me for not choosing Luc's scene from this episode - and yes, that was as depressing as HELL. But this? This came absolutely out of the blue for me. Sure, so did Luc's (and now I feel bad for not including him, LMFAO) but still. Tru crying over his body? Telling him to ask? Brooooke meeeeee.

Aaron Hotchner/Haley Hotchner (Criminal Minds: S5, The 100th)

Hotch: You're so strong, Haley. You're stronger than I ever was.
Haley: You'll hurry, right?
Hotch: I know you didn't sign on for this.
Haley: Neither did you.
Hotch: I'm sorry for everything.
Haley: Promise me that you will tell him how we met and how you used to make me laugh.
Hotch: Haley...
Haley: He needs to know that you weren't always so serious, Aaron. I want him to believe in love, because it is the most important thing. You need to show him. Promise me.
Hotch: I promise.

GAH. JUST--GAH. I was never a massive fan of Hotch/Haley, though I was kinda sad for him when she filed for divorce. Never in a billion YEARS did I think they'd take the Foyet storyline to this extreme. I was already on tenterhooks throughout most of the ep but when Foyet got to their old house I was a complete basket case. And then Jack "is George a bad guy?" YES, BABY. NOW RUN. *cuddles him* I actually almost guffawed (and I was listening with headphones in FRONT of people too) when Jack said, "Mommy hugged me too tight!" OH BABY. =(

Buffy Summers/Dawn Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer: S5, Forever)

Dawn: Nobody's asking you to be Mom.
Buffy: Well, who's gonna be if I'm not? Huh, Dawn? Have you even thought about that? Who's gonna make things better? (crying) Who's gonna take care of us?

There are certain actors that can always make me feel like my insides are crumbling when they say something or when they cry. Sarah Michelle Gellar will ALWAYS be one of those actresses, for this part of the episode alone - when she asks Dawn who's gonna take care of them, I just--I break. Always. And then she says 'Mommy' at the door and off I go again. Damn my being an emotional wreck!

Cordelia Chase (Angel the Series: S5, You're Welcome)

Cordelia: You'll win this in the end. I, uh... just wish I could be there to see it.
Angel: What do you mean? You're not...
Cordelia: I can't stay. This isn't me anymore. You can say good-bye to the gang for me, explain everything once you understand.
Angel: That's gonna be never. I-I need you here.
Cordelia: Don't make it hard, Angel. I'm just on a different road... and this is my off-ramp. The Powers That Be owed me one, and I didn't waste it. I got my guy back on track.

This scene was like--The absolute end of an era for me. I hadn't watched ANY of S5 when this ep aired and I downloaded, first and foremost, because I knew it was Cordelia's final episode and I knew that whatever happened in it, Charisma would make it fantastic and she absolutely did not disappoint.

The Cordelia of Olde was back - snarky, funny, heroic, brave and utterly amazing and though I was truly sad to see the back of a character who, to be fair, never had an easy ride in anything post or during Sunnydale (thank you for that, Mr. Whedon *glares*) it was an utter privelege to watch her last moments to see a character who'd started out as such a bitch grow into her role as the heart of a family. *Sigh*

And now, since I've TOTALLY depressed myself? I'm off to watch Glee, LOL.

tv show: btvs, tv show: ats, type: picspams, tv show: friends, tv show: supernatural, tv show: ally mcbeal, maker: ficbitch82, tv show: criminal minds, tv show: tru calling

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