1. Be nice. Be nice to everyone on this comm, to your mods and about the characters and actors who portray them. Constructive criticism about characters is allowed. Bitching is not.
2. Please tag all entries. See the
tag list here for the list of current tags. When tagging fanwork, please also use either the pre-canonverse tag or the canonverse tag to distinguish the era the fanwork is set in.
3. All fanwork must have a title in the subject and have the characters involved in the heading. If necessary, please include a rating.
4. Please use the following template (or something similar) as a header for fanfic.
A/N: (Optional)
5. For fanfic please put anything but the heading under an lj cut. (Lj cut- to do this put <*lj-cut text="CUT TEXT HERE e.g FIC HERE"> TEXT FOR YOUR STORY HERE Remove *) Fanvids must also be put under a cut. Fanart- thumbnails do not need to be put under a cut, but anything bigger does. For icons, no more than three as previews please.
7. Fanwork of all pairings (het or slash) and all ratings are permitted but please put a warning for anything that may need it.
8. Fanwork posted can have present and alive characters involved, but one of the pre-series characters must be a main or dominant character. For example, a story about Merlin's relationship with his mother is permitted, as is Uther having a smackdown with Arthur over Gwen. A fic with Arthur running off with Merlin and Uther disapproving quietly (but angrily!) in the corner is not allowed.
9. Please put anything spoiler-y under an lj-cut.
10. If promoting anything, ask a mod first.
11. Anything that doesn't abide by the rules will be deleted.
Enjoy and any questions, don't hesistate to ask.