Due South Rec List

Apr 01, 2008 00:03

Here's a list of my Due South Recommendations (mostly fic). Organized by pairing (or lack-of) and in alphabetical order. Some with my own notes, some without.


A Small Mercy and All the Space, and Time by arrow00 - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 4,476 and 15,422 SUMMARY: "Victoria's back. This is just cruel." MY NOTES: "A Small Mercy" sets up "All the Space..." for the hurt/comfort after Victoria takes her revenge on Fraser. Warnings for noncon and minor character death (but after the noncon, the death is welcome...trust me). RayK and Fraser are both well written in these.

Begone (or, y'know, however I get rid of you guys) by villainny - RATING: PG SUMMARY: "Crowley got back to business. "We're here for the usual, you know. Tempting," he pointed to his own chest, "and thwarting." An insolent thumb was jerked in Aziraphale's direction." MY NOTES: This fic is sadly short. But it's a Due South/Good Omens x-over. C'mon! Good Omens!!!

Blueprint by Journey - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~59,000 SUMMARY: “Who did you build this house for, Ben?” Ray was up and in his space again, chest against Fraser’s, fingers looped through Fraser’s back belt loops. /“You.” Fraser answered, his heart in his eyes, and in his throat. “I built it for you, Ray.” MY NOTES: Cute fic. I like the characterization of Fraser in it. And the way Ray looks out for Fraser.

Busted by anonymous co - RATING: R WORD COUNT: ~60,000 SUMMARY: "A year after CoTW, and a life-changing experience, Ray goes back to Canada." MY NOTES: Some beautiful first-time Fraser/RayK as well as some nice hurt/comfort.

Chances by Ximeria - RATING: R WORD COUNT: ~13,000 SUMMARY: "The air was chilly but Ray realized that he'd missed that too. He wondered if the air was even crisper where Fraser was." MY NOTES: I love this fic because it's a slightly different take on Post-COTW. They don't end up together right away and I love the story that brings them together. I really wish there was more of this, but it's lovely as it is.

Con Job by keerawa - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 5,300 SUMMARY: "Undercover was easy." MY NOTES: This is dark RayK. There's a part of me that craves a follow-up/closure...and another part that loves where it ends. Mostly I just love it. AO3 Link

Enduring Distance by Speranza - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~25,000 SUMMARY: ""Yes, it's about the freakin' sub!" Ray yelled, flinging his arms up in the air. "There's a fucking nuclear submarine not a hundred miles from here, Benny!" He pointed wildly, in the wrong direction as it happened." MY NOTES: This is a lovely AU-ish tag to CoTW. Takes place immediately after that episode ends.

Follow Without Pride by ariastar - RATING: PG WORD COUNT: 4,899 SUMMARY: "In which Diefenbaker chases a car, Ray buys a stuffed penguin, and Fraser gets a clue." AO3 Link

For a Good Life We Just Might Have to Weaken by malnpudl - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 9,400 SUMMARY: "Math was never Ray's strong suit in school." MY NOTES: Hot first-time sex with just the right amount of humor.

Foreign Territory by Aristide - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~15,900 SUMMARY: "Ray wants a bologna sandwich. Smut ensues. " MY NOTES: This fic is lovely all around. Very in character. And it's got that twisted sense of humor that's so much a part of the show.

From Afar by TrueEnough - RATING: R WORD COUNT: ~21,400 SUMMARY: "Post CotW. Fraser and Ray spend two weeks in Inuvik before Ray heads back to Chicago. Fraser’s POV." MY NOTES: This fic is beautiful. It's more about Fraser's emotions on facing Ray's departure than anything else.

Hate Story by Dira Sudis - RATING: PGish SUMMARY: "Days like today, I don't just hate Fraser, I hate everything about him." AO3 Link

Haven by Aristide and Mairead Triste - RATING:NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~15,000 SUMMARY: "Post-COTW. Ray K. and Fraser hang out a lot. Smut ensues." MY NOTES: I don't know why, but I tend to avoid Quest!fic. But I really enjoyed this one. Probably for the lovely hurt/comfort.

Held Series by HoniSoit - RATING: NC-17 SUMMARY: "Someone has a hold of Fraser." MY NOTES: Series of four fics revolving around Fraser being kidnapped. Wonderful hurt/comfort and established Fraser/RayK.

If It Walks Like A Duck... by Beth H. - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 27,718 SUMMARY: ""Fraser, Sara Knowles, an old friend of mine. She just moved back to Chicago. Sara, my, uh, partner, Benton Fraser." MY NOTES: An old friend of Ray's "misreads" his relationship with Fraser...plus, the boys get minor injuries. AO3 Link

In His Best Interests by Terri Botta - RATING: PG WORD COUNT: 18,201 SUMMARY: "Maggie makes a decision that changes Ben and Kowalski's lives forever." MY NOTES: The one where Maggie lets Ray think Fraser died and Ray spirals downward.

Juggling Act by Speranza - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 26,529 SUMMARY: "So this whole mess begins with Frannie and her goddamned masturbating parrot." MY NOTES: Fraser and Kowalski undercover in a circus = comic GOLD

Last Stop by katapult - RATING: PG-13 SUMMARY: "Ray's in trouble and Fraser is his only hope." MY NOTES: Lovely Hurt/Comfort fic (in which Ray is hurt and Fraser provides comfort). Takes place post-CotW.

Layers by Bone - RATING: R SUMMARY: "I went and fell for a Mountie. A guy. A straight, straight-up guy. Not just that, but my partner to boot. There's things you just don't do, and getting hot and bothered about your big Canadian partner while you're filling in for somebody else's life is one of them." MY NOTES: Series of episode-related fics taking part during the first half(ish) of the 4th season.

Mosquito Field, AFQ by raggedass_road - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~11,200 SUMMARY: "How Ray Kowalski got his wings. Angst, the Alaskan bush, post-CotW, aviation kink. Written for getfraserlaid" MY NOTES: I've such a kink for frustrated/angry sex...

Palimpsest by Purna - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~40,000 SUMMARY: Love and chess and Ray flies a plane. MY NOTES: AU where Ray's a former cop/bush pilot. I normally don't like AU's...but I think this one stays close enough to character it works.

Plain White Wrapper by AuKestrel - RATING: NC-17 SUMMARY: "This is an erotic character study (ha!) of absolutely no redeeming social or literary value. M/M (duh), F/K (double duh), NC-17 (OHyeah)." MY NOTES: HOT sex. For serious.

Schisms by Rushlight - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~43,000 SUMMARY: "While investigating a case with Ray, Fraser finds himself beset by disturbing dreams." MY NOTES: Some nice Fraser back-story. Also, lovely hurt/comfort and first-time F/K.

Simply Ray by Ardent - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~12,000 SUMMARY: "Post-COTW, Ray and Fraser start to lose their way." MY NOTES: I love this fic for its characterization. It reads very true to how two men would handle what they think is a crumbling relationship, especially how RayK and Fraser in particular would handle the situation. Lovely ending as well.

Some Strange Prophecy by Speranza - RATING: NC-17 SUMMARY: "You may think he's nuts now, but you haven't even begun to see what nuts is where Fraser's concerned." MY NOTES: Slutty!Fraser (including a HOT Fraser/RayK/OFC scene). RayV plays an important part as well.

Surviving by lalejandra - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~37,000 SUMMARY: "Ray lives in Chicago. Fraser lives in Canada. The world kind of sucks. Then stuff happens and the world doesn't suck anymore." MY NOTES: I love that RayK's kinda turned into a bitter old detective post-Canada. And there are a couple of really awesome OCs in it as well. Plus, happy ending. AO3 Link

Tapestry by anonymous co - RATING: R SUMMARY: "Life is a lot like a tapestry, at least according to Carole King." MY NOTES: Sequel to Busted.

The Bed Tonight by brooklinegirl - RATING: Rish WORD COUNT: 4,086 SUMMARY: "Whomping Fraser" MY NOTES: Nice Hurt/Comfort and First Time fic.

The Longest Distance by bertybertle - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 9,100 SUMMARY: Spending the rest of your life with someone is never a decision to be taken lightly. MY NOTES: End of the world fic. Both RayK and Fraser are written beautifully and there's a point where I may've teared up a bit... AO3 Link

The Small Indian Mongoose Is Not Immune to the Cobra's Venom by Brigantine - RATING: R WORD COUNT: 5,354 SUMMARY: "Ray has a history of not picking on guys his own size." MY NOTES: I hate the open-ending, but I still love this fic.

Tip, Slide, Tumble by J S Cavalcante - RATING: NC-17 SUMMARY: "Ray knew when he found the body in the alley it was going to change someone's life. He just didn't expect that life would be his." MY NOTES: I'm usually not a fan of fics where Character X and Character Y have a kid...but I really enjoyed this one. It's not so much focused on the child and is more about Fraser and Ray deciding to make a family...with or without a kid. Love the characterizations. AO3 Link

Too Far by arrow00 - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 6,275 SUMMARY: "Ray panics." MY NOTES: I like that Fraser and Kowalski don't come together smoothly here. Reads very in character; especially for RayK.

Trapped by Love by Berty - RATING: R WORD COUNT: ~6500 SUMMARY: "Ray Kowalski was having a bad day... until he suddenly and unexpectedly wasn't." MY NOTES: This would be considered an alternate timeline in which Kowalski and Fraser meet during the pilot episode. An interesting and well-written concept. AO3 Link

True North by crysothemis - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~67,500 SUMMARY: "Post-Call of the Wild, Maggie Mackenzie unwittingly reveals Fraser's deepest secret. " MY NOTES: A look at an initially unrequited love and what it took for the other to climb aboard.

untune the sky by akamine_chan - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 23,030 SUMMARY: "Before the Smash, if you'd asked him where he was going to be in ten years, he certainly wouldn't have said here. Burnt-out city, broken land, dying world. The stink of soot and the bitter taste of ashes." MY NOTES: One of my most favorite post-apocalyptic fics in any of my fandoms.

What We Talk About When We Talk About Wolves by Penelope Whistle - RATING: PG SUMMARY: "From stake-out to make-out." MY NOTES: The best RayK and Fraser voices I've read in this fandom yet. The banter is VERY in character. Even Dief's in character! Mostly cute and fluffy.

Where My Soul Dwells by Starfish - RATING: R SUMMARY: Fraser receives a letter from Chicago. A very angsty post-CotW story. MY NOTES: Somehow...suicidal!Fraser is love...


10 Reasons to hate Ray Kowalski, by Raymond Vecchio by china_shop - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 16,906 SUMMARY: ""He lived my life for two years. How much closer do you want?""

A Year, More or Less, in the Life by pir8fancier - RATING: NC-17 SUMMARY: "What is this?” I grumbled, cause I’m not totally sold on this crappy idea. And do I even need to mention that it’s Vecchio’s Italian ass in my kitchen? “The Vecchio version of AA? Assholes Anonymous?” MY NOTES: I love the progression of this fic. RayK's getting over Fraser and RayV's getting over Vegas and they just fit together. AO3 Link

In A Little While by BrooklineGirl - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~9500 SUMMARY: "Johnny Cash ficathon. Kowalski/Vecchio: See, that was the thing: Vecchio always had to go." MY NOTES: This fic hints nicely at the dysfunction that is the Ray/Ray relationship.

Love, and a Series of Telephone Calls by aerye - RATING: PG-13ish WORD COUNT: 4,789 SUMMARY: "Ray Vecchio has a new partner. They might make a good team--if Ray doesn't kill him first." MY NOTES: There's so much angst-y Ray/Ray out there that's it's amazingly refreshing to find a more humorous approach to the relationship. I love that Fraser's in the background offering his own suggestions.

Not in Front of the Kid by catwalksalone - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: ~29,000 SUMMARY: "The one thing Ray and Ray weren't expecting? The Spanish Inquisition. That, and to become fathers overnight. But when four-year-old Harry's mom dies, the only family he has is the father he's never met. Ray and Ray have faced down criminals, stared down the barrel of guns, run after a crazy Mountie more times than they can count, but this? Is their biggest challenge yet." MY NOTES: The first Ray/Ray kidfic I've read. Decent characterization and the kid's pretty much adorable. AO3 Link

Safe House by keerawa - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 4,000 SUMMARY: "In the summer of 1996, two CPD detectives meet for the first time in a safe house on the outskirts of Chicago." MY NOTES: This fic has an edge. It's RayK helping RayV become the Bookman. Dark and bloody fantastic. AO3 Link

Strippedby sprat - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 2,244 SUMMARY: "“Huh. Vecchio…that’s so sweet. You were worried about me." MY NOTES: HOT Ray/Ray sex at a crime scene. AO3 Link

We'll Sweep Out the Ashes in the Morning by Ignaz Wisdom - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~19,000 SUMMARY: "After Stella dumped his ass and sent him crawling back to Chicago, he wasn't exactly in a position to sling mud at Kowalski for his failures. After all, neither of them had got the girl in the end. Neither of them had got the Mountie, either." MY NOTES: There's some post-Fraser/RayK angst to this, but the hook-up between RayK/RayV is pretty incredibly HOT. And I actually kind of like that it's left open-ended. AO3 Link


A Man With A (Fucking Fantastic) Plan by etben - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 4,260 SUMMARY: "It's what you do, when you love somebody: you watch out for them, take care of them, bring them back to true when the world makes them crazy. That doesn't change just because it's three of them; it just means that they can do it even better, work as a team. A one-two punch, pow-zap, knocking them all back on track." MY NOTES: The sex is hot, but I also just really love the description of how the two Rays work together (both on the job and in their relationship with Fraser). AO3 Link

Breaking the Waves by nos4a2no9 - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 25,000 SUMMARY: "After a devastating experience involving the Las Vegas and Florida mafia, Ray Vecchio is struggling to put his life back together and make peace with the past. Luckily, Ray gets a little help from his friends." MY NOTES: The established RayK/Fraser is written wonderfully enough, putting RayV in the mix is just lovely. It's not a perfect "happily-ever-after" ending...but it's not a sad ending either. Let's just call it...Hopeful.

Call This World Home by Seascribe - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 49,538 SUMMARY: ""You know how people say 'what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?' Well, this time it most definitely did not." Six weeks after Call of the Wild, Ray Vecchio, back in Chicago and still dealing with the fallout of his time undercover, ends up with a baby he didn't know he had. On top of that, Fraser's back up in the Northwest Territories and being partners with Ray Kowalski is turning out to be more complicated than Ray'd bargained for. Eventually, something's gotta give."

Constants by tassosss - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: 1583 SUMMARY: "Ray wasn't back by sundown, Ray went out after him, and Fraser keeps watch by the window." MY NOTES: I may be a little biased since this was written for me...but it includes so many of my favorite things: OT3, Post-Apocalyptic, Hypothermia...it's lovely.

Duet with Brief Interlude for Trio by J S Cavalcante - RATING: NC-17 SUMMARY: "Christmas is for sharing." MY NOTES: Established Fraser/RayK. Some RayV angst over his time undercover (and sympathy from RayK). Good character voices. AO3 Link

Hat Trick by sionnain - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 3900 SUMMARY: The hockey game ended in a tie, but that's okay; our boys still manage to score! MY NOTES: This is HOT! Oh, and the characterization is good too. :)

He Hadn't Stopped Christmas From Coming by belmanoir - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 21,436 SUMMARY: "Vecchio," Kowalski snarled, his hands flat on my desk as if that was the only way he could keep them away from my throat. "What are you giving Fraser for Christmas?" MY NOTES: I love this fic because the boys all get together at once (though I love the growth of the RayK/RayV friendship through the beginning).

Just Geography by brynnmck - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 24,700 SUMMARY: "One thing Ray had learned in Canada was that your problems didn't get further away the further north you went; they just got louder." MY NOTES: Kowalski and Vecchio are particularly well written in this one. Starts out with K/V and slowly gets to the F/K/V.

Long Road (Long Ride Home) by BrooklineGirl - RATING: NC-17 SUMMARY: "It occurred to Ray that, just as he'd expected Fraser to be there in Chicago when he got back, his mind had also erased any trace of Kowalski from the picture. That if he just left the two of them alone long enough, Kowalski would fade back into whatever alley he had come from and that would be that." MY NOTES: From RayV's POV, entering into a semi-established Fraser/RayK. HOTthreesome!sex.

Magnetic by ariafic - RATING: R WORD COUNT: 20,909 SUMMARY: Ray returns to Chicago and finds Vecchio is back too; Fraser's coming down in a month. What could possibly go wrong. MY NOTES: I especially love how RayK is written in this one. And I like that RayK and RayV figure it out together and Fraser's just kind of in the background waiting to see what they do about it. AO3 Link

The Invitation by china_shop - RATING: NC-17 SUMMARY: "But Ray had already turned on Fraser again. "You don't want me yourself, but I'm the go-to guy when your boyfriend has an itch you can't scratch?" MY NOTES: This is HOT! Established Fraser/Vecchio in which they invite Kowalski to join in. Good characterization and definite hotness.

This Is Your Life by china_shop - RATING: NC-17 SUMMARY: "Ray Vecchio nods. "Okay, Fraser. We're taking you home." "Home?" I think fleetingly of the Northwest Territories, then resign myself to the pomp and formality of the Consulate. "Our home," says Ray Kowalski. "Come on, you can discover the twenty-first century all over again."" MY NOTES: From Fraser's POV. Established Fraser/RayK/RayV...until Fraser gets amnesia.


Lullaby - Due South (RayK/Fraser) by w07v3r - SONG: "Lullaby" by Assembalge 23 SPOILERS: Seasons 3 & 4 MY NOTES: Song and clips used go beautifully together. One of very few pairing videos that I absolutely LOVE.

Master Rec List

(pairing) fraser/rayk, (rec) vid, (rec) fic, (pairing) fraser/rayk/rayv, (pairing) kowalski/vecchio, (rec), (fandom) due south

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