Sherlock (BBC) recs, mostly fic, organized by pairing (or lack-of).
When the War Fires Fade by
snowdarkred - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: ~7000 SUMMARY: "The Wars turned the world on its head, and in that unrivaled chaos, John Watson was born with a rare gift. Sherlock, naturally, was born with an even rarer one. Years after the Wars end and the Others return to their dark lairs, two men are introduced by a well-meaning mutual acquaintance. And their world is upturned yet again." MY NOTES: I'm SUPER picky about AUs, but this one is close enough to "canon" that I don't mind. Especially because it's awesome.
Captain John Watson, Genetics, and Other Crazy Things by cyerus - RATING: R WORD COUNT: 5581 SUMMARY: "The explanation for John "Three Continents" Watson? Jack Harkness is his father. Sherlock doesn't know whether he's going to die from jealousy or sexual frustration first." MY NOTES: Light X-over with Torchwood.
nothing we could judge by
green_postit - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 11,600 SUMMARY: "It's not the first time Eames has run into a narcissist-not even the first time this week-but the very brief, very lasting impression Sherlock has left on him takes narcissistic personality disorder to a whole other realm." MY NOTES: Lovely X-over with Inception. Some hints at Eames/Sherlock.
The Perils of Urban Warfare by
phantomjam - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: 7300 SUMMARY: "The problems of acclimatising to civilian life a.k.a the travails of John, his therapist and Sherlock."
they tell me their secrets (will you tell me yours too) by
etothepii - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: 2320 SUMMARY: "In Afghanistan, the supplies tell him when they're running low, and the cars always, always tell him when strangers have touched them, and John gets known as having a knack (paranoia, his men call it, but he's never missed a single car bomb) for keeping his men safe." MY NOTES: My only complaint against this fic is that it's not longer.
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