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Feb 17, 2004 19:50

Well I am finally posting pictures from the past few days!!! So you can all stop worrying now. cause they are here!!!!! Haha. yeah, im sure you are just oh so excited.

Well today was a good day overall.
1ste period ally wasn't there, so we read this story by Henry Thoreau about nature…we had to write about what our life would be like without technology and if we could go anywhere without technology if we had the chance to for a period of time would we? Me and edwin and ryan raised our hands. Haha. geeze! Do we really depend on technology that much? I mean, I could live without it for a few days.. technology can be hazardous sometimes. Oh yeahh and edwin was talking about how good you got served was. And he ried to do some of the dances. Oh man. That cracks me up.

2nd period mr samet goes all crazy and tells us jokes. Haha. he started telling us one in french. I love when he speaks in one of his 4 languages. He is so funny.
I started writing jenna!!!!

3rd piriod. Uhh we had a forensic technician talk to our class. Wow. Just….wow. it was so interesting. She told us gruesome stories and insane things she has seen. I had chills the whole time…and then she passed out notebooks filled with pictures she has taken. [[people hanging themselves]][[suicide notes]][[decapitated heads, limps]][[people run over by trains and limbs lying everywhere]]. It was so gross. But yet so cool. Haha. me and ally walked outside intrigued by death, I was scared walking outside, I thought everyone could just die at any second. And I felt lucky to be living. It was scary.

4th period we work on the project. Get a little "clarification" from mr. Meyers.

Lunch..nathan ditches us. But matt hangs out with us today. We ate pretzels today yummm. Ha. and aaron said something funny..i forgot what it was, but it was really funny.

5th period. A lot of makeup work. Yikes. I have a test in there tomorrow. Hopefully I do good so I can bring up my F to a D. big whoop.

6th period. Do work. I forgot my objetivos. Crap. I need to find them. Ahh. I saw shannon and foose's winter formal pictures. Aw how cute. And then me and foose fought about something. Haha. it seems like we do that a lot. Then he laughed at me about something, and yeah.

After school I go get a milkshake from jack in the box and a breakfast jack for ally. But it figures that jack in the box is being taken over by black people! I see my friend lonnie and we talk about his Sidekick. Which is this fancy cell phone. I say it is neato. And he was like oh no, you didn't just say that. And I was like well what should I say, and he said I have to say, oooh that's tight. So I said it was tight and I got my food and left. And now here I am online. So enjoy your day and night and whatever. Woo.

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