Name: Tsueh Scrittore { t•S C R I T }
Journal destinedcarcass
Age: 18
AIM/ any other messenger: tscrit @ AIM
Twitter(optional): sorsambroise
Name: Riccardo
Nick-Name: If not Boss, Secondo. If you're Giotto or his ragtag team of guardians, Riccardo. Nothing else, wretch. 8|
Character Journal: begrudgedflames
Age/ Gender: Male and mid-30s (...probably).
Course/Major/Position: Head of all Security, who deals with outside threats and the occasional bad blood between Families -- only when they disturb the Vongola, though, and the solution is never pretty --- because like fuck anyone's going to get him to teach.
Flame: Sky
Box Weapon: N/A
chosen weapon/battle method: His fists, brute strength and the Flame of Wrath.
Dorm-room: Single
Character Biography: Born to Sicilian lower middle-class, Riccardo's childhood was one of discontent and frustration. Bearing no great love for his neighbors, his home and even his family, he became known to be a troublesome and dangerous child, often involved in many petty fights. 'Petty', however, escalated into 'gruesome'. It was both rage and boredom which allowed him to beat his opponents till near death, and his brutal strength was only matched by his fierce will to do things his way. No one stood up to him, no one denied him nor approached him, and he was left with his parents too loving and too fearful to not support him.
This ended, once he had met with the Vongola -- then still but a small, yet thriving group. Blood relation to Giotto was never properly explained, but Riccardo didn't particularly care. All he cared about was that this man was strong, his guardians were competent to a degree, and that was worth even his respect. Admiration too, though he will never admit it. Thus, he followed and eventually rose in their ranks as one of their best fighters.
It seemed as if things were getting better, and Riccardo's disposition improved. Yet, as Vongola triumphed and spread, he began to think less of his erstwhile cousin (never allowed close enough to be 'brother', never accepted as parental to be 'uncle' or 'father' -- 'Cousin' was appropriate, the Second had thought). He began to notice the mercy, compassion and morals Giotto wielded as sword and shield and wore like his flowing mantle.
It was weak, he thought; an utter waste that this strength his predecessor possessed was not enforced, used as it should be to its fullest. But he did not hate it, despite the disdain. Riccardo cared little of it, like he did most of Giotto's quirks.
He learned to, after Daemon Spade. It's easy to say he was connived and seduced, and perhaps he was, but Riccardo had always been attracted to power -- to own that power; to harness that power; to become that power. And disdain quickly turned to hostility, and hostility easily manifested. In his mind, he was no man of the Vongola. The Vongola, instead, was his, and anything his should be undeniable, untouchable -- strong.
So came the challenge, the revolt, and Vongola Primo fled to Japan, and Riccardo became Vongola Secondo, more through the betrayal of Daemon Spade than by his own strength.
His reign may not have been bright and happy, but it was relatively peaceful and productive. It was an era controlled by fear and selfish whims; Secondo's whims, to be particular, and fear could crush ambition, make men and soldiers cower and heel like dogs. It was a different kind of peace.
It is true that in the beginning, there were often blood wars and raids and the occasional obliteration of an entire Famiglia, and inside skirmishes were not too uncommon, but that is not to say that Riccardo failed as a Boss. He was strong, and frankly, he also took care of his men -- in his own way. Despite the division among the Vongola after Giotto's departure, Riccardo managed to rule them, and this influence -- the attraction to power, frightened reverence and utter terror -- spread far. It was under Secondo's leadership that Vongola's territory vastly increased, more alliances were made, the mafia's darker aspects emerged, and no one dared speak against them in fear of disproportionate retribution.
A few years would pass, and eventually Vongola Second would end with his death, but that was not so. At the moment Riccardo was supposed to die, he did not, and he instead found himself 300 years into the future after some time-space mishap explanation he wasn't really listening to. He did hear the offer to teach, however, and the mentions of a Tenth Vongola, his growing Family and what else, but Riccardo obviously did not agree ("The fucking brat's worse than incompetent if he needs help from dead men.") to the deal and demanded to be returned to his time. ("Like I give a damn about your future.")
He changed his mind when he actually took notice of the school. Riccardo was further unimpressed, insulted and outraged that the powerful Vongola he he had been about to leave behind had so degenerated, became so foolishly open and vulnerable to anyone with the ambition of conquering it. Ultimately, it was his possessiveness which motivated him to stay and take up the role of Head Security -- a lord of his own making, protective and possessive of what has always been his since its acceptance of him -- the Vongola.
Personality: Vongola Secondo is, firstly, a very possessive man. However, possessiveness is just his means of expressing any degree of care towards... basically, anything. Because it's his, godddamit. Once he is possessive of something, once he owns it, so to speak, he is the fiercest protector there is, all vindictive and vengeful and violent tendencies aside (or included, really). Ruthless and unsympathetic, he considers his possessions (the Family and its members notwithstanding) as objects. With a foul disposition, an even viler vocabulary, a perpetual glare and a dictator's leadership, Riccardo is crass, blunt and vicious in his debasing.
His temperament leaves much to be desired, but while he is quick to solve problems with his fists, he is by no means stupid. He is actually remarkably intelligent, perceptive and determined, but Secondo is also indifferent of daily matters unless otherwise provoked and is indulging of his personal whims especially when provoked. He is selfish, possibly immature and egocentric, and he is proud.
In 5 sentences tell us in character why we should accept you to Reborn U: Because your school is fucking weak. Teaching the little brats of the mafia? Bullshit. I don't give a damn about your honorable professions as educators. Train the greenhorns all you want, but they're nothing more than gazelles to be shot down if this is the kind of place you put them in. What, you think I'd be impressed? Pathetic.
The Vongola should be the strongest, and the Vongola is mine.