ooc... !

Dec 08, 2008 16:42

OOC Information:
Name: Morgan, yo.
Age: 16
AIM: reflected red
MSN: bubblepopxxxx@yahoo.com
Y!M: bubblepopxxxx
E-MAIL: bubblepopxxxx@yahoo.com

IC Information:
Name: Yamanaka Ino
Age: 16
Occupation: School student and ~*~fashion model~*~ ♥
Desired PB: Hamasaki Ayumi

Personality: Despite the fact that Ino has always been a fairly superficial person, she's a complete social butterfly for any multitude of reasons. Blessed with good looks and a bright (but sharp) personality, she's never had a bottom to the melting pot of friends and boyfriends for her to be surrounded with. Suiting the stereotype of any beautiful, blonde, popular girl, Ino is conceited, judgemental, and not renowned for her wonderful listening skills or fantastic grades, but she does her best to be a good friend to the people whom she cares for. She's not good at having to choose sides between anyone, and isn't particularly helpful when the shit hits the fan (Ino would much rather shop away her troubles than confront them when they so readily occur), but all in all she's a decent person to be around, for all of her flaws. She's kind, usually considerate, and relatively supportive if the subject in question doesn't go against her solid and fairly conservative morals.

History: Ino was born to a pair of very different people, one being her overgenerous father, and the other being an overbearing mother. Her father had been running the Yamanaka flower shop since his father did, and his father before that; it was a generational thing, a tradition. Her mother was a Japanese woman born in China, heir to a nearly endless amount of money from a six-generation long fashion empire, and how it came to be that she fell in love with Inoichi made very little sense. She was the reckless type, but she loved him, and their daughter, securing the financially for the rest of their lives. It would of course be that Ino's mother died in a drunk-driving accident when she was six months old, leaving the Yamanakas with an incredible amount of money and no maternal figure. Inoichi didn't remarry; he didn't have the heart to, so all of Ino's life did he compensate for her not having a mother by spoiling the girl rotten.

When she entered school, Ino wasn't like the other kids. She wasn't as concerned about her grades as they were, in fact she spent a whole lot of her time day-dreaming and reading magazines in class. She was confident in herself, felt as if she could take on the world, knew she was beautiful and felt sympathy for those who didn't. Her relationship with Sakura (-a strange friendship, it would go to be, bordering on rivals for love which Ino inevitably lost) began by her scaring off some bullies, and Ino credits herself with Sakura's confidence.

Certain classes she took, she excelled in, though very few of them were core: Ino had a great eye for colors, fabrics, cooking, and flowers. It was a rather housewife-y combination of talents (-which was funny, because getting married wasn't on the top of her list, not even close), but for every Kanji she didn't learn in class, she would learn it reading Magazines, or her almost weekly trips to Tokyo for shopping. Even when she was little, she only wanted the best, and her father was all too pleased to give her anything she wanted at her word. With age did she become pretty, and from pretty she became beautiful; Ino inherited her mother's looks with her father's flawless skintone, and eventually she finished the look by dying her hair blonde, which somehow suited her far more than her natural color. It was around this time she got her first modeling job, posing teen-clothes for big department store catalogs and websites.

It had always been annoying to her that her family didn't live in Tokyo, but that was the one place Inoichi put his foot down. His wife had wanted to live in Konoha, and it felt to him against her wishes if they moved to a big city, so Ino was stuck in the suburb, living in a fairly big house and pursuing all of the "fun stuff" by taking an hour's train to Harajuku Station. As she entered high school, Ino was content with her life; she didn't really care about going to college, it always just seemed like something that would just happen. Studying was unnecessary, life would just come to her the way it always did. Ino frequently modeled, and was considering making a career out of it, she knew she was beautiful enough for it.

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