Not even a week. I hope they're not going to tell me they're divorcing. I'm almost sure that they will. That she will, tell me, that is.
Jo's getting married. Again. But this time I'm invited, so it actually counts.
My family is such a fucking clusterfuck. I can't wait until I can move out, maybe move in with Lyn, and then they can't pull me back and forth like they have joint custody or something.
Exams are nearly over. Just finished my revision for the night, I see a lot of students revising, it's good. Last year there wasn't nearly this much revision going on, we're improving!
Not much left to do, besides look over Defence just for safety's sake over the summer. HINT, EMMA. I'm probably going to spend the last few days on the pitch. Or with Lyn. Or practising for the tournament, dammit, I f
Anyone wants to revise Herbology Emma's been practically living in the greenhouses and she lives for that sort of thing, I know she hasn't been on her journal in days so I just figured I'd toss that out there. Ten to one says she won't mind being bothered.