First and foremost-I've attempted to call saffronree to wish her a happy birthday, I was even ready to sign my little song in German, but I couldn't get through. I hope she forgives me, I'm calling again tomorrow.
okay-despite the fact that I pulled a leg muscle yesterday
My kids decided that my Faschings costume would be a princess. My mother just happened to still have my prom dress soooo....I've been teaching preschool for the last two days in a silver crown, a blue and silver floor length, full skirted bodice and skirt style prom gown, and heels. The latter only because the dress is really made for someone who is at least 5'5". Driving my stick shift to and from work, I decided that the normal positioning of my seat was too close to the steering wheel column, so I moved the seat back. Unfortunately, that meant that I was a little out of reach for the clutch and had to stretch a little. And knacks, that same hip muscle I've been having problems with went out. So, lame as I am, I've official wounded myself driving in heels. Grr. I've gone back to tennis shoes and flats and, tomorrow, I'm wearing my jeans and sweatshirt again. I went to class last night. It hurt. So I iced it, arnica-ed it, took two tylenol and went to bed. It felt okay today, so I went climbing. C. and I did some bouldering and some top-rope stuff. We're both afraid of heights-but whereas she feels comfortable up high roped in, it terrifies me. And I like the free-wheeling, not roped in bouldering better. So we've both got things to work on. But she did say that, since she only sees me climb once a week, she's noticed distinct improvements in my climbing, in my strength, and in my technique. Yea!!! And, Koko came a climbed with us a bit, helping us out on some boulder problems, so I've got some new skills to work on Thursday.
Tomorrow I've got 2hrs of solo kung fu practice, and then a soccer game. In prep for the pain that will probably cause my legs, I didn't run today. I'm a lazy bb in training.
Instead, I went to the library and...the quilt book I've been waiting for was there. So I'm going to test out this new pattern
Plain Spoken, from Modern Quilt Workshop and my machine quilting skills on a (very) small lap quilt for my sister's birthday. I'm thinking shades of purple, some yellow, and maybe a little grey.
In honor of my dear friend Boggit, who I see so little of (how, exactly, do I let that happen? We live less than 3 miles apart...) My Yogi Tea phrase of the day: Keep Up.
Uh, yeah....Thanks Yogi Tea.
Also, I bought groceries, cooked dinner, did dishes, took a bath, read a book (well, most of a book), and did some more collaging on my strength box.
In Kung Fu News: I've struck a deal with Mas E. in Portland, whereby I will now be spending 1-2 weekends a month in Portland. Attending brown/black belt classes on Sat, training with Mas E. on Sundays, and just hanging out. It'll be nice to train with someone who is also up to test soon.
And, Mas Scott and I have come to an agreement about teaching 5th River classes, so no one is overburdened. I'm teaching Mondays, he's got Fridays.
Cam update: he's officially crossed the boarder into Mexico and is still frustrated with progress. But he's happier now that it's no longer snowing or pouring on him all day.
I think that's it. It's time for bed.