Sep 28, 2009 22:02
- 18:56 Trying to get caught up on laundry. Key word: trying. Not sure yet how successful I actually am. #
- 20:18 Bryan made some delicious homemade macaroni & cheese last night for dinner. I can handle leftovers when their quality is like this!!! #
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Sep 26, 2009 22:01
- 10:16 @ lleehome That's what I used to make your celtic cabled bag! #
- 10:28 @ lleehome With me and my pal, Zofran, it's a good day! Haven't thrown up in 48 hours!!! #
- 10:29 @ lleehome Did you decide if you need help today? #
- 11:08 Trying to do things in short bursts so I can get things done while still making time to rest. If I do too much at once I
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Sep 25, 2009 22:01
- 12:33 Feeling soooo sleepy this morning! *yawn* #
- 12:53 @ lleehome morning, Mom! How's the dizzy this morning? #
- 12:57 @ tabithaknits As long as I'm medicated I'm feeling okay. Not ready to enter a hot dog eating contest, but keeping small things down! #
- 13:02 @ tabithaknits No, not really. And how sad is it that I don't want chocolate, even a
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Sep 23, 2009 22:01
- 17:47 At work yesterday, today, & tomorrow training a new employee. #
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Sep 22, 2009 22:01
- 13:05 Thank you, God and Dr. McCall! They're calling in some Zofran for me!!! Pick up time in 30 minutes. #
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Sep 21, 2009 22:01
- 13:29 I lost my knitting mojo. Has anybody seen it? It disappeared a couple of weeks ago and I haven't seen it since. #
- 14:04 @ tabithaknits I need something to get it back. Now if only I could find something to help this tummy of mine. There's a lot on my wishlist. #
- 14:26 @ tabithaknits Just not quite feeling like myself lately. Lots of tummy
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Sep 18, 2009 22:02
- 17:28 Found some jeans that feel so good they almost made me cry a little. #
- 17:45 @ spencerclick Praying #
- 17:56 @ lleehome Yep! Came home with a pair of jeans and two shirts. #
- 19:12 @ lleehome Jeans... What other kind of pants do I wear? ;) #
- 19:29 @ lleehome Lol. I know what answer you were looking for! #
Sep 16, 2009 22:00
- 10:30 Happy 9th Anniversary to my wonderful, thoughtful, amazing husband! I love you more every day!!! #
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Sep 15, 2009 22:01
- 16:23 Great day over here! How is everyone else doing? #
- 20:08 Had the best afternoon in like forever! Make that the best day. :D #
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Sep 14, 2009 22:00
- 17:20 Ever have a day where you really want one specific food only to get that food and be disappointed? Yep, that's me. #
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