Title: Once Upon a Naptime
Characters: Ninomiya Kazunari, Yasuda Shota
Location: Fort Tryon Park
Date/Month: 11am Friday, 21st of October
Rating: G?
Warnings: Fairies and sandmen. Who knows, man.
Some days, when the weather was good and the wandering bug infected him, Yasu went exploring. New York was a big city and sometimes the best way to explore
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Comments 15
What happened was that it kept coming closer. It was nearly to his Cloister when it veered off a bit and wandered somewhere away. Not a very far away. And then it parked itself and stayed.
Nino slipped out from behind a potted jasmine and flew out from the enclosed garden. He was going to see who and what this intruder was for himself and make it go away if he had to.
In his dreams, always more vivid and real than any human's (not that Yasu was aware of this) he was being chased by a giant dandelion with legs instead of roots. In reality, he gave a light twitch, and mumbled something completely incomprehensible, oblivious to presence slowly making its way toward him.
There had been a voice. He'd definitely heard a voice, and someone definitely knocked his hat off. Right? He didn't imagine that, did he? But casting suddenly wide-eyes around the area he saw only grass and more trees and Yasu pursed bewildered lips for a moment...and then he felt it.
Faint as it was (Yasu had never been good at picking these things out), it was distinctive, a tingle of magic not his own, entirely different. Definitely non-human. It still took him a moment of scanning the air around him before he zeroed in on the source, a mote of bright energy, and as his eyes adjusted...
Was that a fairy? Well regardless of what woke him, the question was the same. "Hey, what was'at for?" Also, in case it hadn't been clear already, "I was sleeping!"
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