Title: Turkey Day Hijinks
Characters: Misono and Meisa (maybe Yesung?)
Location: Misono's and Yesung's apartment
Date/Month: Thursday, November 24th/noon-ish
Rating: PG
Warnings: None at the moment
Meisa was a lot later than she told Misono she would be. Stupid turkey, why you gotta be so big? She had spent... well... too much time trying to find a small
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Comments 32
She could even move Yesung's dead-asleep body away from the front door so that it could be opened! She rubbed his back with her foot as he snored. "Do we need anything? We've got stuff here, you know! Yesung and I bought a lot of--okay, I bought a lot of stuff just in case! Just tell me what you want and I can see what we've got!"
Meisa fumbled with her keys as she got to the door, shifting her phone to her shoulder as she let herself into her apartment. "Give me about forty-five minutes. I'll take a cab over." Traffic might be a problem, but it would be better than the sub or bus. "See you in a little bit!"
Things for stuffing, ingredients for pumpkin cheesecake, potatoes... She checked them off in her head as she fit them all in a simple grocery bag spelled to be like her purse. Even the turkey fit. Meisa was out the door and in a cab on the way to Misono's in no time.
"Thanks, keep the change," she told the driver with a bright smile, feeling generous.
She reached the apartment, but hesitated when she was about to knock. Meisa had asked if it was okay for her to spend Thanksgiving with Misono, not wanting to be alone for the holiday, but still felt like she was intruding on Yesung and Misono's little family. Shaking off the feeling, she knocked and waited for the door to open, all the while wondering deep down if Misono's offer to move in with her and Yesung was still open.
The holidays, they always made Meisa want to be closer to family.
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