Title: 明けましておめでとうございます Characters: Ohno Satoshi & ? Location: Kong Kee Supermarket, Chinatown Date/Month: Monday, January 2nd - All Day Rating: G? Warnings: Butchering of Chinese by Ohno
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Now that there were no more holiday parties to attend, Meisa decided that it was about time to properly stock up her fridge and head to Chinatown. It was cold, and more than once on the way there, she wished that she had postponed going out until she really needed to. Food could always be delivered anyways. But if she were honest with herself, eating takeout was getting old and she missed home-cooked meals. Plus her sisters had given her some recipes they finally pried out of Baachan and written down that Meisa wanted to try making
( ... )
Ohno wasn't paying too much attention to the people taking his flyers, to be honest. He was more worried about his scales drying out and cracking, which seemed a very likely possibility in this cold, dry weather. They were starting to itch and Ohno really didn't want to deal with it. Maybe he'd switch back to human form for break and relax inside. That sounded fantastic.
But then a warmth passed by him and took his flyer, which piqued his interest. Warm, very warm. Magic warm. Ohno watched as the girl passed. He could taste the magic on the air and when she turned back to enter the store. He reached out a hand and placed it lightly on her shoulder.
"Excuse me? Can I ask a favor of you?" His voice didn't quite have its normal human tone to it, a slight gravel that being in dragon form gave it. He hoped he didn't scare her with the touch or the voice. He could really use her help right now.
Ramen, soba... Hopefully they have udon... A light touch on her shoulder drew Meisa's gaze to the person in the dragon suit. She smiled as he asked for a favor and was about to say yes when several details caught up with her. The voice didn't sound quite human to her ears and when she properly looked, she realized that he was no ordinary human in a realistic dragon costume.
Eyes widening, she looked at the dragon (Meisa was pretty sure he was a dragon) in mild curiosity. He looked cold and maybe slightly miserable because of it, the poor guy.
"Sure. How can I help?" There was no reason to say no, he seemed like a nice dragon.
Oh! Well, she obviously realized what he was now and she wasn't screaming! Ohno definitely took this as a win.
Ohno did his best to smile in his dragon form without making it look menacing, sitting back on his haunches. "That warming thing? You can't possibly do it to someone else, could you? I would be most appreciative." Ohno asked, keeping his voice soft. He didn't want the other passerby's to hear if the woman didn't want her magic known, which most didn't. "It's quite cold and my body just isn't meant for it. They don't really make dragon-sized sweaters and coats."
As if on cue, his entire body shuddered as a particularly nasty gust of wind came up and blew past them.
"Don't worry, I know what I want. I go through tea so fast anyway, that if I didn't like a particular brand it doesn't really matter," Meisa chuckled at Ohno's bewildered expression. She smiled, grateful that he had accompanied her anyways.
Spotting her usual oolong tea brand, she started towards it when another tea caught her eye. "Ooooh!" Her eyes grew round with delight. It took all her willpower not to bounce on her toes. "They have jasmine green tea pearls! And it's on sale! Awesome!"
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But then a warmth passed by him and took his flyer, which piqued his interest. Warm, very warm. Magic warm. Ohno watched as the girl passed. He could taste the magic on the air and when she turned back to enter the store. He reached out a hand and placed it lightly on her shoulder.
"Excuse me? Can I ask a favor of you?" His voice didn't quite have its normal human tone to it, a slight gravel that being in dragon form gave it. He hoped he didn't scare her with the touch or the voice. He could really use her help right now.
Eyes widening, she looked at the dragon (Meisa was pretty sure he was a dragon) in mild curiosity. He looked cold and maybe slightly miserable because of it, the poor guy.
"Sure. How can I help?" There was no reason to say no, he seemed like a nice dragon.
Ohno did his best to smile in his dragon form without making it look menacing, sitting back on his haunches. "That warming thing? You can't possibly do it to someone else, could you? I would be most appreciative." Ohno asked, keeping his voice soft. He didn't want the other passerby's to hear if the woman didn't want her magic known, which most didn't. "It's quite cold and my body just isn't meant for it. They don't really make dragon-sized sweaters and coats."
As if on cue, his entire body shuddered as a particularly nasty gust of wind came up and blew past them.
Spotting her usual oolong tea brand, she started towards it when another tea caught her eye. "Ooooh!" Her eyes grew round with delight. It took all her willpower not to bounce on her toes. "They have jasmine green tea pearls! And it's on sale! Awesome!"
[[ooc: was just about to ask you myself :)b]]
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