so when i looked at my friends list i saw that the most recent entries were basically "blah blah blah i hate snow i hate school" ...and the naughty/nice christmas letter which was funny so that was okay.
not exactly what i really felt like looking at. so i realized that i hadn't updated in a few days, so i'll make a one that at least has something. maybe it'll be funny, maybe it'll be annoying. whatever. if you don't like it, don't read it.
so, yeah, we had school today. part of being an american adolescent. get over it, we're going to have it, and the weather people were saying we'd only be getting like 3-5 inches which is small potatoes in new england. yes, the public works people did not do a good job taking care of the roads during this storm, but i think everybody wasn't actually expecting weather quite as bad as it was... even i got stuck in the middle of my street in 7" of unplowed snow. it was kind of funny. it also took an hour to travel 2 miles home from school when my mom came and got me. i also came within half an inch of hitting somebody. woooo adrenaline.
we all determined that claire mccarthy is a dimwit last winter. nothing special there besides the fact that i heard she never was a teacher. i don't know if that is possible, but nevertheless, it probably explains why she never delays or lets out school when it makes sense to. it is impossible to pay attention in class when there's massive snowflakes falling. it's just against the unwritten rules of the world to ignore them.
the only thing that i even sort of enjoyed reading was the thing about hosenfeld/dickens. in my opinion those two are the most useless people in the history of the school. even the hall monitors seem like they're more useful, and they don't do crap... those signs that were posted that say "no loitering after 2:30" seem like assistant principal quality stuff. if kids are hanging out by the door, they're not out someplace else shooting up heroin and making babies while getting hypothermia... that's GOOD.
actually the thing that ticks me off most about ms dickens is that she asked me if i was a freshman this september. that just ruined her for me right there. what the hell?!?!?
you can get some sweet nicknames for them easily enough. dickens. hosenfeld. hahahaha.
i wish the storm was even better. in my opinion, 6" snow is pretty weak. i'll take a blizzard that drops snow waist high any day.
however, it was a nice practice exercise for later in the winter (that would be according to the 2006 farmers almanac.)
also, i earned 30 bucks shoveling snow for old people tonight in exchange for three hours and a sore back. not bad considering i don't have a real job.
yeah, i wish there was still a semi tonight. but it'll be rescheduled obviously. what would they do with all that food?
oh yeah, and track jamboree tomorrow. that's it.
much love to most of you.