(no subject)

Jun 07, 2005 02:39

i'm abandoning my last vestige of manliness and doing this quiz here.


TEN random things about me:
10. I once wrote no less than forty-two poems inspired by the same person. And then i destroyed them, because even the POSSIBILITY of somebody finding them and reading them was too leg-shakingly embarrassing to let me function in my daily tasks. i STILL twitch just thinking of the possibility that i may have missed one.
9. i love artichokes.
8. sometimes i listen to radio static
7. i was once sexually attracted to munchkins. it was on a very minor level, but once the thought crossed mind, well, you know how those thoughts are. it was during that typical 7th/8th grade "dark period" when most people stalk girls or start fires or beat kids up. i got the hots for the Lollipop Guild. it has passed.
6. i believe in magic, to an extent.
5. i hate most sports except baseball
4. i hate people who come up with deep philosophical reasons to like baseball. like "the grand symmetry" or "the exhilarating tension between being and becoming"
3. i spit hot fire
2. i have upwards of 55 children.
1. i know Anna Chlumsky. Want me to hook you up? Too bad! Starfuckers!

NINE ways to win my heart:
9. the eighth grade version: show any sort of affection for me whatsoever ("hi" counts)
8. not take every smartass comment personally
7. be honest
6. OR be a complete toady. that won't last very long though
5. nurse me back to health after a freak boat explosion
4. be goofy and spontaneous
3. don't put salt in my eyes when i'm sleeping
2. really it isn't that hard
1. in a raffle

EIGHT things i wanna do before i die:
8. walk across the continent (really! how did this become a running gag?)
7. be in a band that doesn't turn into cheese after a week
6. put out a comic zine
5. eat human flesh
4. man on dog action
3. killing spree
2. learn to meditate
1. meet a person named Spiwak

SEVEN things that annoy me:
7. making friends with people who have known each other for years, and having no entry point and nobody to blame.
6. people who were raised such that they have an inflated sense of their own worth (as opposed to a rational one)
5. coleslaw
4. that john mayer song "daughters". it's gone beyond the point of annoyance into the stratosphere of moral outrage. seriously, if i hear it one more time, Sam Bouman is gonna have to choke a bitch.
3. PC people. Take a look around. Ethnic slaughter, slavery, and poverty dead baby jokes AIN'T
2. super-nice people
1. when people make positive comments about My Bloody Valentine, Captain Beefheart, et al that just aren't positive ENOUGH (also, when people say i talk about Captain Beefheart too much; they talk about JESUS too much)

SIX things I wish for:
6. hanging out
5. whirled peas
4. talents that work better for entertaining people on long road trips
3. an autographed copy of Nanook of the North
2. a soul
1. bunnies

FIVE things i am afraid of:
5. tubgirl
4. coleslaw
3. thunderstorms, but in an awe-filled sort of way
2. family dying
1. brain damage

FOUR of my favorite items in my room
4. guitar
3. old couch i "rescued" from the basement
2. typewriter
1. five sectors where books are literally piled up on the floor to a height of at least 1 1/2 feet

THREE things i do everyday:
3. go online
2. drive to borders/library (it SEEMS like everyday)
1. play guitar

TWO things i want to do right now:
2. give everything away and leave home
1. eat. :x

ONE person i want to see right now:
1. The person I wrote all that bad poetry for.

Sheesh. I should go sleep. I need to wake up in three hours. I suppose I could pull an all nighter, but I need to work tomorrow. When I'm late, the boss makes me clean out the Special Place. And then I go buy him his Menthols.

Yours with fries,
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