Title: Guilty Pleasure Fandom: Pitch Perfect Characters: Beca/Chloe Word Count: 768 Summary: Beca has a secret Rating: PG Disclaimer: These characters sadly don’t belong to me. No copyright infringement intended.
My only constructive note is perhaps more lead up to a kiss? It's fun banter, one line of hinting at more, and suddenly kissing. So, if you don't mind a bit of feedback besides "CUTE!" that is what mine would be. I love the slow burning build. You've got the show the crescendo. :)
I totally get what you're saying and I love you all that much more for being awesome enough to GIVE me any constructive criticism!
What I had in my head but never could quite get right how to convey it was that Chloe was flattered and all "Awww" and (in true boundary-less fashion) her response was the kiss... It was written even more abruptly at one point. I tried to smooth it out some, but, meh. Not my best work but I'm slowly trying to get rid of the cobwebs.
Comments 2
My only constructive note is perhaps more lead up to a kiss? It's fun banter, one line of hinting at more, and suddenly kissing. So, if you don't mind a bit of feedback besides "CUTE!" that is what mine would be. I love the slow burning build. You've got the show the crescendo. :)
What I had in my head but never could quite get right how to convey it was that Chloe was flattered and all "Awww" and (in true boundary-less fashion) her response was the kiss... It was written even more abruptly at one point. I tried to smooth it out some, but, meh. Not my best work but I'm slowly trying to get rid of the cobwebs.
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