Hello again! :D
This is the second part of my screencaps and random-crazy-wincests comments from 4.17!
Sam is proposing Dean, but again, he has zero subtlety. -_-"
And, of course, Dean freaks out...
... and hurts Sam. :/
Sam is very frustaded with Dean's rejection. He tries to get over it by destroying his desk phone and resigning.
Dean is regreating what he did last night with Sam.
Nice Boss show up and gives a bonus for Dean.
Now I'm so so soooo sure Nice Boss is someone evil else!!!
But Dean remembers Sam's eyes and refuses his bonus, resigning too. <3
"Dean, Dean, Dean."
Did you see that?! I told you Nice Boss wasn't normal!
BWT, nice to meet you, Zachariah, Castiel's Superior^^
Oh, crap, I find this so sexy. *-*
I know, I know, I'm a very sick person. .__.
"Why am I wearing a tie? My God, am I hungry!"
Dean!!! Is so good to have you back!! ^__^
"You'll do everything you're destined to do. All of it.
You're not strong enough. You're scared. You got daddy issues. You can't do it, right?"
WOW!! Right in Dean's guts!
"Angel or not, I will stab you in your face."
*freezes* Dean... be careful, man. He's Cas' Superior, he can kill you in one second!
"Are you ready to stand up and be who you really are?"
YESSS!!! I really like Supernatural 's Angels now that Uriel is gone. /o/
And Dean is speechless, because he knows Zachariah is right. ^^
Please, let me now If I made some huge grammatical mistake! ^^