Excellent news from a flister reminded me to saunter back to LJ (mutual flisters will know who/what I mean - still bouncing with excitement here!). I've been around reading a bit lately, but not commenting, sorry about that.
lost_spook HAS WRITTEN ME
ZAF/CHARLEY FIC. In which there is Zaf, and Charley, and awesomeness like this:
“Not that I want to be
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Comments 19
I think, yes. Judging by the sharp increase of Richard Armitage on my Tumblr when I look at it. I find this very amusing. How did they miss him till he became a dwarf? :lol:
Glad you liked the fic. Hope you are okay?? :-/
I LOVED the fic and will leave proper feedback eventually. Thank you for indulging my odd pairing prompts!
Yes I'm fine thanks just prone to disappearing acts... sorry. I hope you've fully recovered from Christmas shenanigans by now?
Your prompts are great. ♥ (If, btw, you ever have chance between vanishings, it'd be lovely if you wanted to leave a couple on the ridiculously long 500 prompts thing I have going on.)
I'm glad you're okay, and yes, I think I'm safely over Christmas now - and progressing.
HELLO back. ♥
I hope you are out having a nice time etc. (I'm only here because the new LJ profile page was being very dodgy and panicked me into believing you had deleted your account. Obviously, that wasn't true, but I could see the last time we spoke was nearly 4 weeks ago.
The world could end in that time, that's all.
Anyway, seriously, hope you are fine! Hope life is treating you well. :-)
i hope you're well and writing loads xxx much love , b with unreliable internet
I hope you get reliable internet at some point soon, though. Anyway, glad you are okay. ♥ And, yes, I keep on improving a bit, and have been writing. Even two Spooks ficlets! It's amazing, isn't it? Heh.
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