That is the detonation velocity of Data Sheet. The following image is of a paper clip that was traveling at that speed from a desk and it was found embedded into the ceiling of the room. The one ounce of data sheet that exploded was under the clip and resting on the desk top. It was one of many clips in the ceiling.
Also on the desk was a desk top computer. The keyboard was slammed into the ceiling as well. It was found on the floor and about the only keys that weren't missing were the QWERTY keys. LMAO, I wish I had a camera! The monitor was entirely intact. The instructor joked that the only things that could survive an apocalyptic event would be Cockroaches and CRT Monitors.
We also blew up four ounces of data sheet that made about 4 x more damage to the room that it was in. :-P
The grand finale today was a four door passenger car that had 300 lbs of ANFO in the trunk. The BOOM was WAI BIG! The engine block and that portion of frame that it was attached to was thrown into a wall that was 100 feet away and the rest of the car was in pieces rarely bigger than a bread bow. :-o