Man, I haven't posted anything here yet?

Aug 22, 2007 11:22

Getting to Know You Meme, Take 3

1. What name do you prefer to be called online? Warg works just fine, though I'll also occasionally use Critty for all that non-fandom stuff.

2. What is the origin of your username? When I published my first fic at thirteen, it featured Boromir, Wargs, and a Mary-Sue. So did my penname. Having become familiar with the Burping Troll and Bad Warg Mama, I needed a shortened form that wasn't exactly BWM. This was the eventual result.

3. What is your least favorite thing to do? Getting up early is definitely not on my list of favorites, certainly...

4. What is your favorite thing to do? Run amok with the dogs, read, write cracky fanfiction... It's harder to do it all at once, but I can do the outline stage, at least...

5. Assuming you had the skills for it, what is your dream job? Well, failing the chance of opening up my own dog literacy agency, the kennel/vet business has been pretty good to me. Editing and writing look nice, too, though...

6. Which is better; to work at a job you dislike that pays really well or to work at a job you love that barely pays enough to make ends meet? Taking the job I love.

7. What are your favorite types of clothes? Comfy, easy to wash, and practical to run amok in. I will admit a weakness for high-heeled boots, though.

8. What is your dream vacation? Just one where I've got some time on my own, can sleep in late, and bring the dog along.

9. Name your 5 all time favorites:
books: I'm not including the ones I read over and over, because otherwise this would be pretty impossible: The Firekeeper Series, Neil Gaiman, Gregory Macguire, Robert Asprin, and Issac Asimov.
movies: Princess Bride, Galaxy Quest, Mystery Men, LotR, and old skool Star Wars
tv shows: Firefly, Dr. Who, Blackadder, and NCIS. Er, and unless Animal Planet's Most Extreme counts, that's about all that I even watch sporadically enough anymore to know the main characters' names.
music (songs, performers or genres): Goo Goo Dolls, U2, Billy Joel, John Mellencamp, and various '80s pop rock one hit-wonders. (And the Peppers and Green Day and the Bhoys and the Chicks and Loreena McKennit and I'd better stop myself before this gets out of hand... A little of everything, really, though.)

10. What are your favorite guilty pleasures? (or most embarrassing ones, if you don’t actually feel guilty about them?)
books: Animorphs (childhood cracky soap opera of choice), Alice Bochart's Silver Wolf trilogy and Anne Bishop's Black Jewels Trilogy (All the mind-destroying kinky wierdness of a Gaiman story without the extraneous character development) The Inheritance Trilogy, Eddings's first few series, and the Wheel of Time series. (Yays for Ardaworld-building and er, politics.)
movies: Sappy chick flicks are fun, and with proper commentary from the rest of the peanut gallery I call my family and friends, so are action flicks, no matter how dumb they may get. (I'll draw the line at Van Hellsing, though.) Then, there's the Battle of Britain...
tv shows: Whatever the heck it is that my brother's watching on MTV, Tales of the Gun, and other dorktastic Discovery Chanel/Science Channel/History Channel/Animal Planet documentaries.
music (songs, performers or genres): Boy bands, the occasional bit of hardcore rap, and I'm utterly unrepentant about the bagpipes and the girly pop music.

11. What books do you love enough to have read them more than once? Discworld, Lord of the Rings, and the The Princess Bride I've reread too often to count. Dianna Wynne Jones, Peter David's Apropos of Nothing series, and Mercedes Lackey are fun to reread, too, even if I'd almost cout Lackey a guilty pleasure.

12. What movies do you love enough to watch again and again? The top five of course, as well as Serenity, Eurotrip, About a Boy, Love Actually, and Just Like Heaven. I'm not even embarrassed about the Disney and associated cartoons; that's where cousins, nephews, and nieces come in handy, I guess. James Bond and Jackie Chan flicks are fun, too, though don't ask me for the details of any certain one...

13. Favorite food? Free? (/college student) I'm easy to please: chicken, fruit, and chocolate, really.

14. Favorite drink? Orange juice or Haterade.

15. Favorite vacation spot? The relatives on the lake in Tennessee, to be honest.

16. What vehicle would you drive if money was not an object? One that not only runs, but has a decent paint job, is fairly clean, and gets decent gas mileage? As long as it's big enough to transport me and the dog comfortably, I don't much care. I like my ol' hoopty more'n the Jag I rode in once...
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