averygoodun Produced the letter T for me, so here goes!
Leave a comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you like starting with that letter. Post them in your journal and give out new letters to your commenters in turn. NO TAGBACKS ALLOWED, unless a commenter specifically requests to be given a letter!
Since I'm not sure if you want to play or not, you have to request a letter before I give it to you.
Thunderstorms Because they always make me feel alive, and they fill me with wonder at their power.
Theatre I love a good play, and a great play is even better. When I was younger my best friend and I always used to go to the local and very good playhouse. Often we would go every weekend, and many plays we would see more than once. Thank goodness for the student discounts that we had back then! Musical theatre is especially my absolute favorite.
Tornadoes Only from afar, and I think I might pee my pants if I ever did really see one, but I think that they are amazing, and scary, and absolutely powerful. It might be fun to go on a storm chasing thing one day to try and see one, but for now I am quite content seeing pictures of them and watching them on TV.
Tolkien Because his stories are magical and complex.
Trust Because it's hard to come by these days and should be cherished when you find it.
Tombstones It may seem weird but I like to read and look at tombstones.
Talking Who doesn't like to talk? LOL! I like to talk to my good friends and family, and as my mom would tell you, I especially like talking her ears off on the phone on a nearly weekly basis!
Tears They can be beautiful and they can be sad, and I'll admit that they can also be an annoyance if were talking about someone who cries nonstop, but I mean the kind that are moving to even those who might be unaffected. Pure sorrow, and tears that spring from a beautiful song or painting are incredible and touching to behold.
Taste It would kinda suck to not be able to taste things don't you think? Like the yummy richness of chocolate or the cool melty sweetness of ice cream. Taste is one of the best things out there!
Tables LOL! Yeah I'm grasping at straws on this one, but hey! Where would you set your stuff without tables? On the floor? Yucky! Tables rock!