wellllllllllllllllll. school is going good. volleyball is going good. everything is just good basically.
I HAVE MY FIRST GAME TOMORROW! it's at hillsboro just in case you wanted to come because well you're cool like that and you love me more than everyone else. so its at 7 tomorrow. be there or you're a circle :P
1. Male friend: Brian
2. Female friend: Katie & Jenny. I can have two just cause.
3. Vacation: Disneyworld the last time I went.
4. Age: So far? Probably when you're 5 or something.
5. Memory: I don't know really.
1. Hair style: Hmmm. Probably when I was in 4th grade. It was super long and I didn't brush it often, ick.
2. Day of the week: Tuesday.
3. Fear: Losing my loved ones.
4. Memory: I don't know really.
5. Boyfriend or girlfriend: Let's keep that un-named, but I'm sure you can guess.
1. Person you talked on the phone with: My mom.
2. Kissed: Brian.
3. Hugged: Jenny.
4. Email: My mom.
5: IM: I really have no idea.
1. Kiss: Let's not talk about this.
2. Serious bf or gf: Brian.
3. Car: Not appliable.
4. First school: Wee Wisdom Preschool.
5. Job: Not appliable.
1. What are you doing now: Typing on the computer, what a concept.
2. Tonight: On the computer until I have to get everything all set like lunch and my bags.
3. Wearing: Right now? Bball shorts and my utah shirt.
4. Hair: Right now? It's in a towel cause I just showered.
5: Better then yesterday: Yeah, it wasn't as boring.
1. Is: Thursday.
3. Goal: If I play, to play my best and work hard.
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: Having another boring day with the name games.
5. Do you have work: If school counts as work for me right now, then yes.
1. Number: 3
2: Song: Dream Big.
3. Color: Purple/Orange.
4. Season: Spring.
5. State: Oregon, duh.
1. Have a crush: Yeah, and it's a secret, so please don't tell :P
2. Talking to any one: No.
3. Mood: Excited.
4. Doing: Typing on the computer.
5. Listening to: Nothing.