[Wait, what? Did someone put in a call for Remarkably Convenient Timing? Because look who it is, wandering the hall! Riku's back on his feet, probably a bit too soon but hey, he's young and invincible anyways, right? So Riku's in that hallway, walking, and who should he see but a Jim random passerby that he has never ever met before!
Looks like you're having some trouble there, Jim. What's all that Jell-O for?
Riku passes by Jim, but then stops, giving the other boy his patented "WTF" look.]
[oh crap sudden noise HE ALMOST DROPPED ONE, THANKS A LOT. But quick reflexes helped him catch it and regroup himself. He sighs relievedly before looking at the ....albino. Juuuust what he needs, a witness.]
[Riku sighs, reaching out with intentions of snagging away one of the ones that looks most precarious. It's almost like he's dealing with Sora again--come on, you're saying one thing but your actions are saying something entirely different.]
Comments 29
Looks like you're having some trouble there, Jim. What's all that Jell-O for?
Riku passes by Jim, but then stops, giving the other boy his patented "WTF" look.]
You... need some help?
[Okay, so he's curious.]
No thanks, I've-- I got it.
What are you planning on doing with all... this?
[General gesture to all of the gelatin!]
....Party. [No too dumb, THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE] I mean-- Just-- Something. Private.
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