嵐の「ワクワク」学校2016 ~毎日がもっと輝くの5つの自由研究~

Jun 27, 2016 01:03

Today I went to the last 2016 Wakuwaku Gakkou performance! It was really interesting and fun to say the least.
Lots of people around me were writing a lot in their notebook so I tried to note some things down too. But I didn't decide to do so until the first lesson was almost over :'D

First some goods! I went on Friday at 3pm so there was NO line. Lucky~ I saw tweets from that evening and the line was considerably longer. I got the Arashi x Johnny's WEST clearfile and the passcase. Super happy bc I've been waiting for someone to include a passcase in their goods for ages! And such a nice one at that *^*


Always a lot of people when there's events at Tokyo Dome!

View from the 3rd floor
It was my first time buying an "unseen ticket", but it didn't turn out that bad. I got a seat on the 3rd floor, but 2nd row so it felt quite close despite being far XD And since the stage was in the middle of the dome, it was still closer than when they have the stage against the wall.

Everything started with a VTR where the members were all summoned to the research lab.
*The first one summoned was Nino. He was true to his self playing games (Puzzle and Dragons) and he got some kind of high-score and the wakuwaku badge appeared on his screen and he transformed into Ninomiya-sensei.
*Then it was Aiba's turn. He was in the kitchen busy grilling things (whatever it is that he does the CM for) and when he flipped a squid the wakuwaku mark was burned onto the squid --> Aiba-sensei transformation.
*The third one summoned was Jun, or rather Miyama. He was busy filming 99,9 when the director said "cut". He wasn't wearing his lawyer badge, but a wakuwaku gakkou one. Queue a transformation from Miyama to Matsumoto-sensei.
*Then it was Ohno/Samejima-chachou's turn. He was in the president's office, lurking on his staff perhaps, but when he turned the blinds there was a huge wakuwaku gakkou mark --> Ohno-sensei!
*The last one was our dear Sakurai-caster (or that's what I had expected). He wasn't in the News Zero studio, but in a JAL airplane enjoying in-flight service. He ordered a coffee and on the cup there was the mark and summon. Sakurai-sensei reporting to the lab.

Then they merged into live filming and we got to see Arashi in the Tokyo Dome tunnels on their way to the arena. Everyone, including me, got super excited and it felt like the screaming was even louder than at concerts! ^^ They walked up onto the stage and greeted everyone for a bit before they introduced their "helpers". Everyone introduced their respective assistants. Nino called Hama-chan, Sho called Ryuusei, Ohno called Akito, Aiba called Junta and Shige, and finally Jun called Kamichan and (the one who got the loudest cheers) Kotaki. idk if it's because Kotaki is popular in general, or bc most Arashi fans are familiar with him now after Sekamuzu. Then we were all made to stand up and bow before they started.

The first lesson was held by Ninomiya-sensei. It was about toiletpaper rolls and it's possible uses. But first he told us about how he made toiletpaper roll phones for his free research project 4(?) years in a row during elementary/middle school and we also got to see an utterly adorable picture of him from his elementary school days. Then he told us some information about toilet paper rolls..apparantely a person uses 50-something rolls a year, and every day in Japan 1900 oku (190 billion?) rolls are used (that sounds like a lot though, maybe it was a different time span) and that us 45000 in Tokyo Dome would use 6000 rolls today. Then Hama-chan came with 6000 rolls so that it would be easier to put into perspective :')
We'd gotten "homework" earlier to send in pictures of different things we'd used tolietpaper rolls for and we were shown a selection of pictures sent in. Some where reallly impressive and of things that you'd never imagine. There were castles, leaves, dinosaurs, wakuwakugakkou logos and more. After that they brought in some contuction that some professor and his team had made at a university. I didn't really get that part, but they'd drop a marble and it'd find it's way down to one of several 'bowls'.
The last thing in this lesson was a huge intrument that some musician had constructed with toiletpaper rolls and strings. She'd originally made it with papercups way back, but on Ninomiya's incentive they'd now constructed a toiletpaper-roll version. Together with Nino and Hama-chan they played "Furusato" which turned out quite nicely. After that we got to see some images of Nino and Hama-chan practicing for the performance.

The second lesson was Ohno's fish lesson. He was assisted by Akito who also seems to be a fan of fishing. He said he often fishes buri and tai. They're quite big so once they bite it often takes 20min+ to reel them in. Sho was selected as an extra assistant this time and the three of them went to the pool that was set up next to the stage. There was a boat and fishes. They sat down and Ohno said that they had 3 minutes and whoever caught a fish first would win. I think Sho was close to catching one, but it got away. In the end Ohno caught one and was the , not unsurprising, winner. And that was the end of that. They never used the pool for anything again...
Then they turned on a VTR about filleting fish. Ohno said that he was pretty bad at this, so he got help from an expert who showed him his best way of filleting without cutting any bones. It was quite a long VTR and while it was playing everyone disappeared off stage and the stage was re-arranged a bit. A kitchen counter was brought in as well as two dining tables. When the VTR finished Akito had changed into chefs clothes and Ohno was wearing other clothes as well (not his suit). The others were seated, ready to be served ^^ Ohno started by explaining that he'd learnt that depending on how you cut the fish, the taste differs. So he cut it "the supermarket way" and then the way he'd recently been taught. The lucky one who got to taste the fish was of course assistant Sho. First he tasted the "supermarket cut", and since the fish was so fresh and natural it was very chewy, so he chewed for a while, to my delight (モグモグ翔(chewing Sho) is one of my favourite Shos*^*), before trying the second cut. Then he started laughing and said that "This is the sixth time we're doing this, and I've thought that there wouldn't be any difference and that the other's have just been lying in the previous shows. BUT there really is a difference in taste".
Then it was Akito's turn to prepare a meal which everyone got to eat. He prepared one bowl, the rest were pre-prepared though. Everyone dug in and didn't really talk except that it was tasty. Then Nino was asked his opinion and had to put his headset back on (since he'd taken it off to eat) and his only comment was "simple!". Then Hama-chan started his boke-ing and and asked if the soupbase was oil (and something else), to which everyone retorted that obviously it was dashi, as they'd shown before.. Then Sho lauged a lot and said something about Hama-chan being a comment-dorobo(theif) from what he'd seen on TV ^^;

The third class was Aiba-sensei's (or oniichan as he kept calling himself), and he stared by misreading 体幹 (taikan) as "teikan" and the whole dome erupted in temporary chaos and laughter. Since it was so noisy I didn't really hear his defense, but it was the sixth time, and all kanji's had furigana's attached to them, so he should've gotten it right. But it's Aiba so not that surprising, It's part of his charm:') When everyone calmed down he said that they were going to do a physical check and that in school you regulary do checks etc and he invited 4 middle school kids to join them. They were going to compete against the oniichans (who'd only won once out of the previous 5 times). The elected members for the oniichan team were Akito, Hama-chan, Matsujun and oniichan himself (Aiba). The competition was a 4x109 m floor wiping relay (a distance similar to a school corridor?). Akito was the first one and he started off strongly, but the kid almost caught up to him before the exchange. Hama-chan was also fast, but stumbled at the end, so it was still a close race. Matsujun sucked, and the kid he competed against got a pretty big lead before the last leg. Aiba-oniichan was very competitive though and surpassed the last kid and won by a small margin. It was all quite exciting ^^;
Then there was a looong VTR where Aiba went to Aoyama University (which are good at long-distance running I keep hearing) and they talked a lot about how being strong on the inside was more important than being strong and having a six-pack on the outside. My mind kind of wandered off here :'D But everyone left the stage during this and when they came back it was time for exercises with the assistants Junta and Shige. We were made to stand up and first do shoulder rolls with Junta. Which was kind of nice, since we were seated all the time, but it was also kind of cramped. It was still doable though. Shige's exercise though was harder. Here we were told to do knee-lifts where our elbow touches our knees. Safe to say, there wasn't really enough space for that. XD

Then it was finally time for Sakurai-sensei and his starry sky class. Sho and stars are fantastic in itself, but the class was also my favourite^^ He was of course assisted by Johnny's WEST's own falling star Ryuusei ^^ Sho's class had been a hot topic the day before where he'd invited Jun and Jun made certain comments and Sakumoto fans had gone wild. They made it to the #1 search item on yahoo news XD But since that had happened I could only have vain hopes of a replay^^
Anyways Sho told us that he'd done his free research on stars during middle school and high school and today he invited us on 'Sakurai Sho's Romantic Astronomical Tour'. Everyone went wild, both because Sho was charming and because there were certain hopes and expectations. Sho pondered for a while, thinking out loud whether it would be good to make the internet excited once again (hehe).. He didn't choose Jun, but he did choose Nino. Sakumiya fans (and most of us) got super excited and I think the girls beside me almost broke my ear drum. But I don't mind because Nino played along and they put on a good show for us. First Nino made the cutest, loving face when he was chosen and when they were doing the stargazing tour they talked about various things, Yamada Taro was mentioned, and it looked like Nino was following right behind Sho, holding the end of his jacket. It was all very cute. ^^ They'd dimmed the light for Sho's starry sky class, and suddenly a shooting star (a.k.a. Ryuusei wearing a helmet) came and then a few star constellations popped up on the first floor. Certain seats had been given lights to create the Lyra and Libra star constellations, which was a smart idea. Sho started with the Lyra constellation and while I was looking around he started reading..for a long time..and I kind of lost focus. It sounded dramatic though and at the end he said "Kazu.. (cue screaming) stand up" and then he grabbed Nino by the shoulders (cue more screaming), and then he said something I didn't catch, but people went wild so I'm assuming something fanservice-y ^^; Then they repeated the proceedure with the Libra constellation. This time when Sho grabbed Nino he asked "Won't you become my Libra(てんびん座)?" :'D
Then he moved on to the next part which had to do with the moon. Here he introduced a song he liked "三日月"(mikatsuki) and since Johnny's WEST fans were present he advertised it being a song from their album Japonism (hehe). Mikatsuki was played in the background and Sho invited Kotaki, or rather Nozomu!, to assist. Kotaki looked mildly excited about this honour. He was made to wear a huge moon hat. Ryuusei put on some head-gear and became the sun. Sho  was the earth and climbed into a big puffy globe. What a visual. Since Sho was the earth he held the camera and the goal was that he wanted to show all the moon's phases from the earth's perspective. Kotaki-moon circled Sho-earth and all the moon's phases were shown. They made Kotaki stop to show tonight's moon too^^ Then we got to see Kotaki's exasperated moon face a bit more. When Sho was to get out of the globe he had some trouble and the assistants had to help him. He stumbled a little and it was super cute <3
Then one of the assistants asked if the days of the week originate from the names of the planets. Here I had a AHA!-moment. Of course it's like that. I only recently realized that the sailor warriors in Sailor Moon get their powers from their respective planets (mercury water planet, mars fire planet etc..) It makes sense, but I've never thought about it before. I like AHA!-moments like these!^^

The last lesson was then held by Matsumoto-sensei. His topic was 'Fortune' and he was assisted by Johnny's WEST's #1 member with bad luck, Kamichan, and the member with the best luck, Kotaki. The lesson started with an omikuji drawing to determine who currently had the best luck. No one from Arashi had picked the lucky stick before... but this time Leader did! Somewhat unexpectedly ^^ Then it was time to test the audience's luck. A box with all ticket stubs were brought out and Jun drew one. The lucky winner was a 13 year-old girl from Aiba's part of town. As a prize she would get the same wakuwaku badge that Jun had been wearing when he was summoned.. She also got to talk to Matsumoto Jun for quite a while and that's an even better prize if you ask me. ^^
She was of course asked about her favourite member (Jun!) and then she and today's lucky guy Ohno were asked a few questions.
First they were asked about whether there was anything special they would do on an important day. The girl hesitated for a while before saying that she would eat cake. This sparked Jun's interest and he asked what kind of cake and she said chocolate cake. To this, the pro that he is, Jun said that chocolate was his favourite kind of cake! ;) Then Ohno got to answer and he said that it was NOT chocolate cake, but rather going to bed early the night before. Then he was of course asked about the previous night and he answered that he'd gone to bed at 3 am XD (so wakuwaku isn't considered that important XD Or not the last day anyway)
The second question was whether they would continue with something if it seemed like it'd end in failure. Ohno would continue. He was explaing why and then he was told he was grinning a lot, to which he became shy and covered his face a few times and then it ended with chocolate cake somehow XD The girl would keep on going as well because "it would be okay to fail"
Then we got to see a VTR with the luckiest and unluckiest guys in Johnny's WEST.
Kamichan: The camera breaks... It always rains...
Kotaki: when entered johnnys and got to appear on stage, and immediately got to hold a mike ;)
They did a test where you needed to count the number of pictures in a newspaper. Both suceeded with that. But they failed the real test, which was so notice an advert that told you to stop counting pictures. Apparently truly lucky people would see that advert...
The last part of Jun's lesson was more homework from fans here they'd written stories of situations where they'd felt that they didn't have luck, but this was to be changed to something positive. They read 3 letters and Arashi and WEST gave ideas. Hama-chan was super enthusiastic all the time, but didn't always have the best suggestions. Nino gave single word answers whenever asked. And at the end he looked superamused at Hama-chan's excitement and expected failure. But then Hama-chan said something good and Nino's reaction was kind of incredolous, happyily surprised^^ Sho looked like he was dozing of at the end too XD

Then it was the beginning of the end. It was time to vote for the best lesson. They voted and then they continued talking about something else. July 20 is apparently Friendship Day and they encouraged us to celebrate this, and to tell our friends things that we might not otherwise etc. Then they called their friend to come out..Kumamon! Then they talked a little bit about the earthquake and that many people are still having a hard time and are homeless. They also asked Kumamon about the lessons and he did his best with body-language to communicate.. Then there was some collab advertisment bc a paperbag with Kumamon/arashi's friendship day logo was brought out. Kumamon made Kotaki and Jun hold a handle each. J"We're connected now" K"I've always wanted to connect" :') Then Kumamon held Ohno's and Akito's hands. Then there was a ShoxKumamon 2 shot and Sho seemed to say something important but everyone was screaming so I don't know what XD
Then Ohno got "impatient" and wondered if they shouldn't announce the results now..so they did.
It was a close match and it was decided on the last vote. Sho's lesson was the best one! (I agree^^) They accepted the trophy and during his thank-you speech Ryuusei said he was happy to have been named Ryuusei and he hoped that he could become a shooting star and fulfill eveyone's wishes. Then Sho said his thanks and "Nino! Are you watching?" (screaming fans)

Then they ended by singing Furusato which was beautiful. They started out on stage but then carts were brought out :D and they made a lap around the dome, singing and waving. We also got to sing a chorus which was fun :) Then all the carts connected and they said thank yous again. First they waved off Kumamon. Then they sent off WEST. Then it was time for Arashi.. but then Jun says:
"Oh one more thing..!"
*people go crazy in anticipation*
"Starting in November, Arashi Live Tour!"
-> everyone goes berserk. Almost as berserk as when he announced the arena tour in December. It wasn't very unexpected, but I got really really excited. He said it just as i was having an emo moment thinking "today was fun, but when will I see them again?". Really perfect timing^^

Then Arashi left as well and some pictures from today's show were shown on screen before it was time to leave. My section got to leave at the end, so I could enjoy the atmosphere for quite a bit after the show was over.

So now I need to start budgeting. Details tomorrow noon. Exact dates maybe? Booking of Sapporo accomodation perhaps? Wakuwaku!

Anyway, all in all, I really enjoyed today. I didn't really know what to expect and how much I would be able to understand and this enjoy their lessons. I understood most of it which is satisfying. It would have been nice to have understood a little more of Sho's lesson though.^^ I'm glad I went. I hesitated a bit when I didn't hit for tickets. But since we don't know if there will be another wakuwaku gakkou next year, or if I will even be here next year, I decided to go and I am indeed happy I went and that I could see Arashi again..and Johnny's WEST as a bonus! ^^

tokyo dome, wakuwaku gakkou, 2016, arashi, johhnny's west

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