About anything you want. Something about me, something about you, something nice, something mean, anything. You can post more than once if you like. Just make it anonymous.
i got a job waitressing outside a landing strip. skydivers fall from the sky during peak season, and red, white, and blue lights line across the field at night. that makes for a sweet ciggie break, i'm sure
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i've escaped the clutches of my long island abode until monday. i haven't spoken to my sister or mother since i left last thursday. i even kidnapped my cat for the escape
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wish the texans lots of luck in grunting out rita. seriously.
now, as far as my bubble of existence is concerned:
i was in a car accident two days ago. gerald's car was sandwiched between a lady stopped at a green light, and a truck behind us. luckily, no one died, except his beloved honda civic
living in long island is ok, if you like eating
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