Thu, 10:17: RT @ richnosworthy: Simple #houdini tip for making square noise (c4d cell noise). Round int your position into the noise, you can then scal…
Thu, 15:02: For many years I've used #xparticles from @ insydium_ltd And now they are blocked me because I'm russian. Russophobia, no? I will no longer buy or use their products anymore. This was a trust and belief in a strong product and now there is no trust, no belief, and just hate.
Mon, 22:24: RT @ RudyMichau: Fluent 2.0 is around the corner! 🥳 Since several months, with few users, I'm working on it. I remade all the add-on from sc…
Tue, 17:36: RT @ what_i_found: In case you missed them, I've got 4 #Houdini tutorials covering some basic info on CHOPs and how to drive animations with…
Wed, 01:29: RT @ Sanctus_Art: #SanctusLibrary Update v1.01 up: Reworked wool to use displacement. New chocolates, herringbone floors and chainmail mater…