Do we have official backstory with our lot, or just...generalness.
She'd know and hate zak-reso, esp if she's influenced by Aislin in any way. She'd know and dislike tobias-kinsella, esp if she's in any way influenced by Rowan.
She might know jojo-jenkins and pyroboysparks, but that's your call :P npflyantonpilot would know her from pureblood function things and know her to see for Quidditch.
Comments 12
She'd know and hate zak-reso, esp if she's influenced by Aislin in any way. She'd know and dislike tobias-kinsella, esp if she's in any way influenced by Rowan.
She might know jojo-jenkins and pyroboysparks, but that's your call :P npflyantonpilot would know her from pureblood function things and know her to see for Quidditch.
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