So last night, my family and I watched Eagle Eye. I absolutely loved this movie!
I loved the underlying commentary on how as society we've become too dependent on technology and it makes us vulnerable. My favorite part, that made me love Shia LaBeouf's character so much, was when he was willing to let Rachel shoot him to save her son. I was like "Aww he really cares!" And I felt so smart for seeing how The State of the Union tied into the computer's plan. I remembered that State of the Union is the one time when all of the big heads are together in one place. The only one who wouldn't die was the guy locked in the interrogation room. I was really glad Jerry lived though. I would have been okay with the way he died, because it was great the way sacrificed himself, but I was very happy that he wasn't dead. Overall, it was a great movie, one I wouldn't mind owning..
I admit, I also wanted to post to complain a little. Because my sister won't read this, I can complain about her a little here. We are very, very different from each other, but one way we compare is that it took me a long time to drive and it's taking Meg a very long time to drive as well. Now, for me, this wasn't so bad because Ron drove and I didn't really go anywhere. But I'm getting tired of having to drive Meg places. Especially when it interferes with what I want to do. On Saturday is my friend Annie's grad party. It goes from 1 until about midnight. From 4-8 in the afternoon is my eighth cousin four times removed (I don't actually know how he's related to me)'s grad party, which Mom and Dad are going to. Meg has to be to work by five-thirty. Because I'm a good daughter and want to give Mom and Dad some time to actually be at the party, I've agreed to take Meg to work. This means I have to leave my party early and then come back afterward. And this wouldn't happen if Meg could drive. Oh, and even though she teased and bugged me about not driving, we're not allowed to tease her or bring it up. Just annoys me sometimes. Hopefully this will be better when I go to Western in the Fall. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?.
Stay smart people